Posts Tagged ‘personal development’
This article follows the line to suggest the people a life way from which many already had been moved away. There it goes: 30 IMPORTANT SUPER TIPS 1? It opts to fighting untiringly for a full life of health 2? It conquers its love 3 daily? It searchs to work with activities that exactly of routine, you it plays of form to give pleasure to it 4? It makes of its house a harmonic environment of peace and how much to the furniture of decoration 5? If to drink, please socially and with the label of moderation 6? It creates habits not to be grudado in television 7? It reads, but it reads with attention and if possible it varies styles 8? How much to the friends, if it does not have searchs them them, them it has it preserves if them, skirt with them and receives them in its house 9? It cultivates (well-taken care of) plants, only one already goes to be valid to penalty 10 – Short to walk bare-footed whenever possible and it releases frituras 11 – Short to step on in the sand of beach 12 – Short to take a tea or hot chocolate with the partner (a) and always it eats many fruits, vegetables and vegetables 13 – Attends a film that lead to the romance or laugh 14 – It is disconnect of cellular and Internet in the weekends 15 – Take off vacation.always with the family or friends, 16 – Presenteie the people for whom they had said 17-Make to it way love to be the sex gostoso of world 18 – never only Kiss 19 – It hugs with taste the people who love 20 – Of: good day, part license, it thanks and it has asked for 21 please – It smiles with will 22 – It looks at for the animals, it speaks with them and mainly it respects 23 – It binds to advantages relatives and friends to them distant, does not wait such date 24 – Has healthful habits of personal hygiene 25 – it does not enter in subjects without being invited 26 – It looks to a side spiritual and one becomes accustomed it this 27 – It listens to the people with calm 28 – It decelerates its day the day and drinks water 29 – Either tolerant and it has accepted the people as they are 30 – always Thanks the day, but it is thankful in way to deserve to be alive!. . . Learn more on the subject from Keith Richards.
The structure of a Company to be satisfactory must stimulate the people to the participation, already in the not participativas organizations, the regulations, the careers, the division of the work and the organization chart they are structuralized of form that the power is centered in the top of the enterprise management, where perceives the opposite in the participativas organizations, where the administration is shared in different angles, the customers are consulted on determined decisions while supplying deliverers and the assistance staff technique participates of engineering projects. The organization being an internal participativo system is opened for the external environment, from where it receives information that had improved the administrative resolutions of Company. A Company who works with the participativo method, the employees participate of the administration of the company of organized form and contribute with its experiences and knowledge, thus adding, values to the personal functions of which they participate. In the participativo model they predominate the leadership it disciplines, it and the autonomy and in the Companies who adopt this model the people is responsible for its proper behavior and performance. Regarding the model of planning of strategies, it clarifies Chiavenato: The prescriptive model of strategical planning follows five periods of training, namely: 1-Formularization of the organizacionais objectives. 2 – External analysis of the environment or external auditorship. 3 – Internal analysis of the company or internal auditorship.
4 – Formularization of the strategical alternatives and choice of to be used strategy. 5 – Development of tactical plans and operacionalizao of the strategy. (CHIAVENATO, 2004, P. 193). So that it has politics and strategies certain to be used in a company, it is necessary that also has action planned, that it depends on diagnosis of 0 variable that affects the management of Human resources, also of the definition of strategy so that the objectives are reached and established to fulfill to the Politics of the Organization, anticipating itself it the events or intervined them in them to timely lead the actions in the desired direction of form preventive or, but planned.
The demographic aging considerable cause concern, being of intense relevance to come back the attention toward the load that the aging of the population imposes to the society of what to understand the nature of deep complexity that if relates with the participant questions of the question. The fact most preoccupying of the authorities is the increasing number of people of age in the inactivity and they do not contribute more with the contribution of the social security. According to Novaes (2001): ‘ ‘ the scholars find obstacles when defining the aged one, therefore he still can be seen on chronological, psico the criterion biological and economic-social or, three combinados’ ‘. Looking at of the point of view chronological, it is identified with relative easiness how many years of life the person possesss. However, under the point of view of the psychological conditions and physiological, hardly knowledge of these conditions is had, a time that the same ones are personal conditions of each one independently of its etria band, physical aptitudes of the organism and the mind. For more specific information, check out Verizon Communications.
It is appraised oldness as initiated between 60 and 65 years. This is the phase in which if it also uses the legal concept of oldness, when if it defines for legal consequences, what he is an old one. It is the determination of a etrio limit from which a person is considered as anci, being able to enjoy of benefits special, between them I benefit of the providence and the retirement. the setting of this limit of sixty and sixty and five years is only one referencial, therefore many people age before this period and others, much later. Although of different form, the aged ones of had been today benefited with the reduction of mortality materna, of mortality in the middle-age and in adult and advanced ages. They are the great beneficiaries of? safena bridges.
It communicates the mission, vision and values. It explains the objectives of the department and what the new collaborator adds the institution. It presents the cronograma of the sector, which will be the function of this collaborator what it will have to make. It demonstrates its expectation in relation to the professional. It speaks on its form to lead: as monitorial you, communicate yourself, etc. and, logical, does not forget to pass the first activities collaborating it to soon start its experience in the institution. In relation to the period of training, the responsible one for the integration of the collaborator will have to consider: – Seminaries and lectures; – Workshops; Of that it forms the expectations of the organization and of the professionals they must be argued and be negotiated, of form that the performance of the people in the team is based on goals and specifications established to each period? Engaging the collaborators to the organizacional culture and to stimulate the performance of each worker, so that all take care of to the expectations of the business. The Organization is a two more people or system of activities conscientiously co-ordinated.
The cooperation between them is essential for existence of the organization. An organization exists when: Has capable people of if communicating and that is made use to contribute with joint action, In order to reach a common objective. The organizations are institutions that compose the modern society. They can be: lucrative organizations (the companies) or not lucrative organizations (the public army, church, services, the filantrpicas entities, etc). 1. Communications: the organization must communicate its philosophy to the employees and request they suggestions and opinions on subjects of the work. 2. Cooperation: the organization must share the taking of decisions and the control of the activities with the employees to get its cooperation.
You can change its life, if want. In the truth, we only presume the utility of our capacity to think. As well as that we are surprised by as many indesejados habits, which go being bred throughout our life, of mansinho, as that without wanting they go if incorporating our day the day. They are installed and they started to be part of our nature. we start to act as animal irrationals. Until today I, really, do not obtain to distinguish right this classification from rational and irrational, already vi animals with deeply reflexivas attitudes and super-rationals, and coexist said people rational human beings who, although great supposedly adult, with attitudes completely irrationals. As to understand.
Of the one to believe that we are being, at least, extremely unjust he stops with the animals and completely deceived about the capacity thinking of the man. Our objective mind, another intricate thing of if understanding: fancy. Realities that in them are very laborious when we discover to be only about a fancy. In a similar way that we need the fancy, stops in some circumstances to be able to understand realities. Confused this. Who said that we need to explain something? What we need exactly is to confuse. Our rational mind can leading in them to live, for an entire life, believing to be real an entire life of irrealidades.
After all what it is real is only what we thus believe to be. S. You take by Aquino, if it ventured in this field trying to show that the Real is only what this as our directions. But and the direction of the others, will be real for them? will be had different of my agreement? What it has this to see with our heading: simple everything: you still withhold the power on its life, you you have the right and more than this she has the obligation of living this life in the way as to want, can believe the realities that what to want, can fantasiar to want, because you have the choice freedom.