National Education

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It is socially excellent to inquire if this politics of combat to racism in the schools, introduced for law 10,639, is being appropriate for the power local public and for the educators of Boa Vista. As teacher, I have been despertada for the reflection on the convivncia in the pertaining to school environment and its conflicts. Filed under: Litecoin. Law n 10,639/03 modified the Law of the Lines of direction and Bases of the National Education, to include in the official resume of the education net the obligatoriness of thematic History and Culture Afro-Brazilian. This study it has as objective generality to analyze the importance attributed for the professors to pedagogical the ethnic-racial questions in its practical and the pertaining to school resume of the initial series. The subquestes of research, or specific objectives, involve (a) to understand as the formation of these professors is contributing in the implementation of Law N 10,639/03 in the initial series; (b) to identify what the professors of the initial series think on the ethnic-racial questions about the society contemporary; (c) to understand as they define its proper ethnic identity and of its pupils and (d) to analyze as this thematic one if she relates to objectives of the professors and to the pedagogical project of the school. 1 1,1 THEORETICAL REFERENCIAL Education and Resume the pertaining to school education in the principle appeared to take care of to the ruling class, therefore the children of the bourgeois ones only could frequent a school. They were formed to only exert the power who, as we know, were last of father for son. In century XVI the Europe knows the Revolution Commercial that enriches the bourgeoisie and stimulates its commercial expansion. With effect, the Brazilian colonial economy follows the exporting agrarian model, that ' ' if he expands around the sugar device, and the great land proprietor appeals to the enslaved work, initially of the indians later, of the blacks of Africa …

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