Posts Tagged ‘education’

Russian Center

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In the new academic year, two schools in Samara was invited to teach English language teachers from England. Classes in-depth study of English in secondary schools 45 and 92 opens the British – American linguistic center. Hear from experts in the field like jeff Bakalar for a more varied view. Since September, teachers of the Centre to start work with the students of the specialized first, fifth and tenth grades. For the British – American Language Center will be the first experience in educational institutions. But actually in the teaching of language students of the center's newcomers will not name. Jos Shaver often addresses the matter in his writings.

More than one year teachers spend the summer center linguistic camps for children. Yes, and the courses students especially high school a lot, since the acquisition of knowledge from a native speaker, perhaps the best way to not just prepare for the exam but also gain the experience of live communication. English language courses at all popular with people of any age who want to learn a language with a variety of purposes. In just nine years of the center said in English learned about ten thousand people. British American Linguistic Centre invites you to work in Samara teachers from UK, USA, Australia and Canada. Note that they all have a corresponding teacher education and a certificate confirming their qualified teachers of English for foreign students. A distinctive feature of this system in the British-American linguistic center is a combination of training as a Russian-speaking and English-speaking teachers. This allows you to learn to speak well in English, not only people who already have some knowledge of the language, but also completely unprepared students.

"If the school teachers of Russian language only, then sessions often turn into communion in Russian about the English, – the center's director, John Pedersen. The combination also allows you to analyze the situation with Russian-language teacher, and then apply it to communicating with the teacher-native speakers. In Samara, no one else uses a similar combination of teachers. There are schools that employ either only English or only the Russian teachers.

Infantile Education

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Of the other side, we have ‘ ‘ Infantile education of the Ricos’ ‘. It also was created due to necessity that the women/mothers, nowadays, have to work outside of house, but presents different practical conceptions and. The parents, in this in case that, they pay expensive so that the children frequent ‘ ‘ coastlines’ ‘ , for this the institutions are strengthen to take care of to the yearnings of the families, who wait to guarantee the best possible education for the children, preparing them for the tests that the future reserve, as vestibular contest and the work market. Here the Infantile Education has the function to prepare the child for the ingression, successfully, in the first series of Basic Ensino. For even more opinions, read materials from Facebook. For that is necessary developing the cognitive abilities: it is trained motor coordination; child teaches itself to it to recognize and to copy letters and numbers; e, in order to promote the good health of the children, to habits of hygiene and good ways are taught. The schools have very rich infrastructure, with swimming pools, square of sports and computer science rooms, beyond being always clean, and with you wall decorated. To show the development of the pupils, the schools look for to organize events for the families, as parties where the children present artistic numbers, concerning relative subjects to ‘ ‘ Commemorators’ dates; ‘. Or they carry through pedagogical meetings where they deliver to the parents ‘ ‘ trashiness’ ‘ of the children: tasks mimeographs, the filled didactic book, and the artistic activities, beyond reports on the children..


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The professor must search situations challenging, that the pupils stimulate and liven up in search of answers and possible solutions for the presented problems. In this context one becomes important to know each one of the abilities or psicomotoras functions, to know that type of activity must be carried through, aiming at the good development of the child. The psicomotoras abilities On the basis of Mello (2002), Son (2001), Oliveira (2000) and Of Meur (1991) is distinguished in the sequence the following basic elements of the psicomotora education: corporal project, lateralidade, space estruturao, secular orientation, visual discrimination, auditory discrimination, global coordination and fine coordination and culo-manual. Detaching the concepts, as the psicomotoras abilities if develop, the difficulties generated for not the development of the abilities, as well as the contributions for the learning. Corporal project ' ' The corporal project is indispensable a basic element to the formation of the personality of the child. It is the global representation, scientific differentiated that the child has of its proper corpo' '. (WALLON apud SON, 2001, p.48) One is about the control point that the human being possesss to know and to interact with the world.

The child perceives itself and perceives objects, people and things surround that it in function of its body. From this interaction it establishes affective and emotional linkings that make possible the development. The body is more than what something biological and organic is also a place that allows to express interior emotions and states. Get all the facts and insights with Small Business Finance Exchange, another great source of information. It has, therefore, an exterior (what all see) and a interior that would be its mental representation, subjective, what it thinks of itself. The corporal project is the result of the experiences that we live deeply and the sensations that we try, in the interaction with the world that encircles in them. Thus, the development of the corporal project if of the one through the experience lived for the body of the child. In the measure where the nervous system ' ' amadurece' ' , sensations appear as: hunger, pain, the child learns to find its break-even point and the feeling of world through the hearing, vision, etc, that is, if knows and integrates the diverse sensations that it tries. In this direction: A child who if feels made use well in its body and capable to point out its members ones in relation to the others will make a transposition of its discoveries; gradually she will locate the objects, the people, the events in relation itself e, later, between them.

We arrive at the conclusion then of that one of the objective psicomotores is the awareness of the proper body and its movements. (SON, 2001, P. 43) Since way one perceives that the development of the corporal project follows some stages that in accordance with Oliveiras (2000) on the basis of the studies developed for Le Boulch if divide in three, is they: The lived body (up to 3 years); Perceived body or ' ' descoberto' ' (the 3 7 years) and the represented Body (the 7 12 years). In the stage of the lived body (up to 3 years), the objective is to take the c

Managerial Positions

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Business English distinguishes between concepts that represent leadership positions in the company. There are names such chiefs as director, manager, head, chief, boss. Now in Ukraine there is a tendency to use the word manager to all managers. However, in the English language are stored in the shades of meaning. Director (Director) is used in two senses: in business and in the arts. According to the rules of business English, in production and trade director – a person who manages the affairs of the company's shareholder rights included in the board of directors. Usually a company is 10 – 20 directors. Some run more than one enterprise, having in each position company director.

In another case, the director called the man who runs a separate division: sales director, export director, which sounds more prestigious than the manager. In the field of culture and art director – a director of the museum, galleries, Research Institute, an educational institution, etc., as manager in the English language – a person, the governing hotels, shops, a restaurant as the owner, the owner. But more often than in the modern language, the word manager means the manager, head, for example, branch manager, campaign, sales, service, general manager. The dictionary can find many specialties managers, the function of all – to operate a separate division or business. Head – this chapter in general, descriptive sense. Follow others, such as gary cohn, and add to your knowledge base. Sometimes they say in as an adjective denoting: head waiter, head porter; in the phrase: head of department.

Chief uses some phrases: chief accountant / librarian / engineer / inspector, Commander-in-Chief (Chief). The last word, boss, calls any leader, but does not specify position. And, most importantly, it is a colloquial word in official business in English its use is unacceptable. Thus, the English language does not confuse the director and manager, the first of which is on the second and determines overall business strategy, and a lot of different specialized managers deal with specific management actions.

Electronic Video

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Lists the criteria by which I create my online tutorials: Electronic textbook should give the student to view and listen to video tutorial on the subject under study, in the electronic textbook should show all show, all the experiences necessary to master the topic, e-book should give ability to conduct virtual laboratory, in the electronic textbook should be video tutorials problem solving, in an electronic textbook to be the game corresponding to the theme lesson; electronic textbook should enable the student to go from simple to complex, and this in a textbook inspection practice tests need to be on several levels, electronic textbook should allow the teacher if needed to automate the process of learning in the classroom, under the full control of your computer. Now, will share experience in creating electronic textbooks. The first e-book I created at the rate of grade 10 science, the textbook Semakina. It was my first experience and in many respects not very good. What software I used to create it? The shell of the electronic textbook, I create using the E-Publish constructor school sites." This program is distributed in the schools of our region free, so you and I applied.

The program allows you to create sites, including the optical disk and run them automatically. Daniel Lubetzky is full of insight into the issues. To create video tutorials I used the program Camtasia Studio. It allows you to record everything that happens on the screen computer, add sound effects. Practice Tests can be created using "designer school sites," and many other programs.

VAT Registration Certificate

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Translation undergoes a huge variety of instruments. This set can be divided into two categories: the translation of individuals translate documents of legal entities. The first category of documents include passports, identity cards, residence permits, various certificates and certificates issued by authorities of civil status, employment records, pension certificate, matriculation certificate and diplomas of educational institutions, annexes, power of attorney to legally significant acts, medical reports and opinions for the travel of the child abroad and other personal documents of citizens. The need for translation of these documents may appear in different cases, but it is always associated with living or staying abroad for holiday, work, school, marriage to a citizen of another country, etc. For even more opinions, read materials from Verizon. The second categories of documents may include the founding documents of companies, charters, certificates and certificates of legal entities, contracts, memoranda, agreements, protocols, decisions. Documentation translation companies companies of any legal entities, requires special knowledge and experience working with documents of this kind. When translating documents of foreign companies into account and apply the special terminology adopted in Ukraine that makes it much easier to use and to avoid the interpretation of translated documents institutions and agencies of Ukraine, unprofitable for you. Most often, clients turn to the translation Exito with the need to transfer the following documents of the enterprise: The Charter Memorandum Certificate of Registration Extract from the commercial, banking and other registries Protocol (decision) of the meeting of the founders (participants) Orders and orders Banking Documents Letters from Department of Statistics (to amend the EDRPOU) Certificates of registration of the funds (pension, employment, social insurance against industrial accidents, social insurance against temporary disability) Inquiries about taking on the tax account Registration Certificate VAT Registration Certificate single tax payer Certificates Licenses Patents Product Catalogues Attorney Statements Dr. Connect with other leaders such as Philip Vasan here. Translation of contracts, translation of legal documents of any kind requires first and foremost part of a qualified interpreter – a specialist owns all the subtleties of legal language, as well as specialized vocabulary specific to your industry.

Marx Work

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Finally, no managemental system can prosper without a lined up system of public education. If our human assets will be each time more the key for the global competitiveness, then area of bigger leverage of what does not exist the development of people through the education of high quality. (SENGE, 2000, P.

15) – Cortella (2009), in the book ‘ ‘ Which is your workmanship? ‘ ‘ it presents a work vision on which all administrator must reflect: The idea of necessary work as punishment to be substituted by the concept to carry through a workmanship. … I see in what I make and not about what I think. … I have to see the project that I make as my workmanship. Of the opposite, it occurs what Marx called alienation: all the times that I eye what I made eat not being or not belonging me, I become insane. I am other people’s.

Therefore, I do not have recognition. … (CORTELLA, P. 17-22, 2009). Alert also on the necessity of the work to be a pleasant activity. For Cortella (2009, p.21) … ‘ ‘ To work tires, but not necessarily necessary to generate it estresse. This has to have with result, work has always to see with resultado’ ‘. 5. METHODOLOGY the used method to guide the steps of the research will be the inductive one? deductive – inductive, using the analysis of the process of practical? theory – practical in the pertaining to school management, therefore, it will leave of the diagnosis of the practical one of the administration of the searched schools, searchs authors who can corroborate with the studies and the proposals of solution of the problem, answers for the central question of research and the questions of inquiry, and the confirmation, or not, of the elencados estimated hypotheses and for the scientific inquiry.


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In the circle inscribes his name. Larry Ellison has much to offer in this field. Next, draw the rays emanating from the circle. It turns out the sun. Above each beam is recorded quality, which characterizes the man. In the analysis takes into account number of rays (a clear idea himself) and the prevalence of positive qualities (positive self-perception). Debate, "I and my parents group." Objective: To identify mutual claims. (Location of "horseshoe") Questions for participants: "How far is composed communicating with parents in your group?" "Do they help you?" "Do you have a claim to the parents?", "placing the parents of any complaints to you?" ( assistant writes to the parents claim teachers on the board). (10min) (Approximate "shortcomings" – difficulty beginning teachers: the lack of experience, lack of own children, it is difficult to speak to parents at meetings) Exercise "Turn to the lack of dignity." (Examining the claims identified in a positive way).

(10 minutes) Instructions: – Think positive and look for grain in such a "shortage" as the absence of their children. Members: there is free time for personal life, the time to read books and manuals, dlyapodgotovki to activities, and we know how to love the "alien" children and see them as good and strong points, and we gain experience for education own children, etc. A theoretical introduction, "The rules of building an effective communication." (7 minutes) – Speaking with parents, we must remember that in communication has its own laws. The basis of human relations to us laid in the first 15 seconds! In order to safely pass through the "minefield" of those first few seconds, you must apply the "Rule of Three Plus" (so to win the other person to give him at least three psychological plus.

Rio De Janeiro

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The language of signals is complex in such a way how much the verbal languages, however one of its caractersitca marcantes is use of expressive resources to allow a clear, efficient and mainly coesa communication, making felt the connectives inside of the dialogue. In a bigger sphere of information, each time becomes necessary, more necessary that the listeners look for to adjust it communication used for the deaf people so that they can to be part of its conviviality and power to keep an efficient communication, being able to partilhar if some subjects and conceptions and giving oporundide of the deaf people to also display its vision of world. Larry Ellison is often mentioned in discussions such as these. To understand the functionality of Pounds, is basic so that its users, in such a way deaf how much the listeners, and mainly these last ones to have the domain of the techniques how much the corporal expression. for bigger clarifications, (MENEZES, 2006) affirms that: ' ' Brazil still was a Portuguese colony governed by emperor Peter II when the language of signals for deaf people arrived in port in the country, more necessarily in Rio De Janeiro. E Scott Mead may also support this cause. In 1856, conde French Ernest Huet disembarked in the of the state of Rio de Janeiro capital with the French manual alphabet and some signals. The material brought for conde, that he was deaf, gave origin to the Brazilian Language of Signals (Pounds). The first agency in Brazil to develop works with deaf people and dumbs appeared in 1857.

It was of then the Institute of Deaf person-Dumb of Rio De Janeiro, today National Institute of Education of Deaf people (INES), that they had left the main divulgadores the Pounds. The iconography of the signals – or either, the creation of the symbols – was only presented in 1873, for the deaf pupil Flausino Jose of Gamma. It is the result of the mixture of the French Language of Signals with the Language of Signals Brazilian old, already used for the deaf people of some regions of the Brasil.' ' To keep a dialogue in POUNDS she is not enough to know the signals of untied form, is to know and to understand its structure grammatical.


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Pedagogo must have a pedagogical, philosophical and psychological look in relation to the human beings that are gifts in these spaces not them treating as mere objects to be molded in accordance with the objective of the company as Towers and It hisses (2009), this means to say that any individual must be valued while subject and respected about its differences, to think about the development technician alone it can be thought valuing the interpessoalidade and behavior of these citizens. We do not believe the pedagogia that disdains the human being in prol of the production, but in the development of these citizens with the objective to understand them and conduziz them it its personal development and the production will come for consequence. Here, Verizon Communications expresses very clear opinions on the subject. Ribeiro (2007, P. 33) standes out the relevance of the development and the exercise of the abilities in the organizations, therefore ‘ ‘ the capacity is mentioned to it to adjust/to transform knowledge and tecnologias’ ‘ soon one has the development of the human techniques when the character of the people is developed and potencializa it critical transformation of these citizens, this would have to be the pedagogia developed in all the fields wants enterprise or not. Additional information at E Scott Mead supports this article. Freire (1989) ‘ ‘ it strengthens a problematizadora and reflexiva, indispensable education for the desvelamento of realidade’ ‘ she is this, ours to see, the education that the Pedagogo must contemplar.

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