Materna Language
exactly thus its education is considered confused and unsatisfactory. It does not disclose its true especificidades, does not consider the formation of the knowledge of the individuals, does not consider daily aspects. The reasons for which we teach to this ' ' Matemtica' ' they remain obscure and intocadas. In ours to understand, having certain clarity on these reasons the professor will only be able to develop its work of satisfactory and pleasant form. Effect, it seems to have us lack of clarity in the purposes of the education of many others you discipline, but such clarification in them seems more excellent in the cases: of the Materna Language, as Axe (1993): ' ' the first language that aprendemos' ' (p.9), and of the Mathematics, of the fact of both to have instrumental value and to constitute tools for the understanding and ' ' reading of mundo' '. is also probably, the first sets of symbols that we learn to manipulate, with the specific objective of communicating in them.
Thus, the consequences of this clarification do not become enlarged it many branches of the knowledge. The Mathematics only is accurate? Mathematics: it disciplines it of which many have ' ' medo' ' , ' ' receio' ' , ' ' pavor' '. It is that she deals with things: ' ' exatas' ' , ' ' abstratas' ' , that few have ' ' capacity of compreender' '. It is that ' ' she develops raciocnio' ' , that she can and she must be ' ' applied tudo' '. Truths? Lies? Searching to answer to these questions ece of fishes, we will argue in the attempt to make ' ' tremer' ' the bases on which these affirmations are based. True ' ' alicerces' ' on which the vision of Mathematics is erected, of great diffusion in our society.