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For a new inhabitant, the quarter is the principle a confusion of images; there it are is a embaado space. To learn to recognize the quarter demands the identification of significant places, as churches, commerce, squares and other points that had started to be referenciais the new inhabitant. (TUAN, 1983) the places nor always are visible, can become visible through the ways where it has ' ' rivalry or conflict with other places, visual proeminence and the evocativo power of the art, architecture, ceremonies and ritos' ' (TUAN, 1983:197). The places only become real more through the action of the man, the place if it fortifies while place for ' ' dramatizao of the aspirations, necessities and functional rhythms of the personal life and the groups ' ' (TUAN, 1983:196). The place can be defined as objects in the space where we fix ours attention.

We look at a landscape and our look if it withholds in interest points. These points are tried by our perception, exactly when we do not feel entirely this consequence of our experimentation the stops exist, points of interest in our conscientious one are framed. (TUAN, 1983) the Landscape also assumes a dimension of the perceived one, of the lived one, thus the landscape if &#039 defines as space; ' to the reach of olhar' ' , but also the disposal of the body; it arms with on meanings to all the possible behaviors of the citizen. Seeing is extended to be able it (COLLOT, 1990). The landscape is everything what we see, what our vision reaches. E Scott Mead brings even more insight to the discussion.

What it is perceived by the directions. It is a picture with congealed objects, marked one instant in the space, but at the same time it has movement, is one accumulated of times and interferences. The landscape is only possible through the perception, and the perception is a selective process – this because we have systems of different values.

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