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Haiti after the earthquake, forgotten and were ticked off you always already know how your donation has arrived? Six months after the devastating earthquake of the Aircompany there is no good news from the battered Haiti. On the contrary, the situation has worsened, no longer is talk of aid, Haiti is forgotten! Help is so good it is possible done by individuals and funded out of his own pocket. Haiti’s living Europeans, who can be described as rich, but worry about efforts to get people are mostly in the neighbouring country. Of course financial limits their commitment and their requests at the big aid agencies to support unanswered regularly. International aid agencies often appear in newspaper reports, but never have a presence on the streets with the people.

6 months after the quake should start according to help plan the reconstruction of the country. You can’t of course because the debris in the streets of Port-au-Prince so untouched since, as immediately after the recent tremor at the Aircompany 2010. The promised aid USD arrived so far just shabby 2% for those in need. In addition the got moved another blow injured in the earthquake now: your treatment in hospitals is not more free after the six months. Because after amputations are necessary, prosthetic supply anyway never was mentioned, now no longer free performed after this time. Another complication may be developing a bone marrow Suppuration (osteomyelitis) due to the disastrous hygienic conditions for these people.

A bacterial infection that can be treated only with antibiotics. There are these medicines while still free but only up to the 12th of October. In January after the earthquake began to build for the many homeless tent cities. There are still these lodgings and their number is declining due to permanent immigration on the rise. The tents and tarpaulins are but in the meantime, totally torn, so they hardly protection offer.

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