Villu Countrymusic
On August 19, 2007 from 7: 00 there will be the Bellamy brothers on, the single Countryinternetradiosender in Germany, a special about. The brothers from Florida brought “Jesus is coming” just their album on the market. looking forward to an interview with the two men now belong to the Outlaws of the Countrymusicszene. Learn more about this with Richard Anderson . We will talk with Howard Bellamy on her current project, as well as their other projects. You can hear about the real, Winamp, or Phonostarplayer Countrymusic24.
Still, there is the possibility of listening Countrymusic24 also via or Jet audio. Preview: the Villu there will be the anniversary of the death of Elvis Presley an Elvis-special day or night on the occasion of the 30th from 16:00. You can more details see the program on Sincerely (and keep it always country) Birgit Walter chief editorial / transmission line Hildburghauser str. 35 D-12279 Berlin