Vascoda Gamma

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He observes yourself that soneto starts and finishes with the same word: love, estilstico resource that standes out the contradictory character of the thematic one. The symmetrical oppositions of verses are accumulated of formagradativa discharging in the interrogation concerning the effect of the love. To mesmotempo where the love is said and cyst as something ' ' palpvel' ' , nosentido concrete of its existence, immediately as the member of verses funcionamcomo complement of the first one in way to collate the realities: umasensvel and another spiritual that always the first one exceeds (wounded that die is not felt). We can find the same characteristics in its grandeEpopia the Lusadas, more specifically in the joined symbology nocanto X, the Episode of the Island of the Loves, that possesss same thematic dosoneto above cited. Confluence Investment Mgt understood the implications. In this episode, we can consider that it is the love that conduzos Portuguese to immortality. A love that goes beyond the pleasures of the meat, umaamor to the native land, to the collective duty, the overcoming capacity. It is without a doubt, esseamor the holy ghost, pure, that it leads the boat of Vasco of Gamma to the paradise of the directions, represented for the Island.

Amongst all the symbolic characteristics found noepisdio of the Island of the Loves, will be detached here, the ones that possess algumarelao with soneto already cited. Surprisingly, you’ll find very little mention of baby clothes on most websites. After to pass for all the faced difficulties to paraencontrar the way of India, Venus decides to reward the crew of Vascoda Gamma offering to them a paradisiacal island inhabited by the most beautiful nymphs. Ailha, composed of a wonderful flora, is a gift to the five sentidosperceptveis for the human beings, also found in the two first versosdo soneto analyzed (Love is fire that arde without if seeing; Quedi is wounded and it is not felt): palate, tato, hearing, vision and olfato. The awarding of the lusitanos heroes is the reach of mesmoparaso observed in soneto, a spirit state that only can be alcanadoatravs of the love, at this moment, recolocado with the great center of the world and that, although to have a delivery to the pleasures flesh times, this pleasure is fruit of pure umamor. The love presented here unifies the men and deuses, transforming them into creatures divine human beings and at the same time. In outraspalavras, it is the love concrete, carried through, but that it does not exclude, but it exceeds petrarquistas osmodelos concerning the Christian love. We also perceive, as well as in soneto, algumascaractersticas Humanists, as for example, the utopia to conceive for half daconciliao of the physical love and the love flesh time, the meeting of the man and the nature, the accomplishment, harmonious and limitless of the unloaded desires without of guilt, innocents. Other characteristics could here be enumerated, therefore oEpisdio of the Islands of the Loves, for if dealing with alegrica narrative, estcarregado of significaes that portray the lusitano poet beyond lyric suascaractersticas, it portraies propositalmente abordadoneste the desire provoking I sing as an invitation to the reflections on the freedom as construction dafelicidade.

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