The Agency
For example, you can arrange to pay a certain amount of twice a month – after receiving salaries. It must be remembered that the installment will never granted for a period of three months and only when the immediate repayment of at least 30% of the debt. All this is only possible if you just showed that they are ready for dialogue. If you have not responded to letters and phone calls for 2-3 months, then to any installment is no time left. Yes and no agency, not to mention the creditor bank, then you would not believe. If you're in for a month failed to make contact with the manager agencies wait for a subpoena. This development is expected 5% of all debtors and 15% of those with the delay of 6 months or more. On average, after 6 weeks of court rules.
As a rule, be decided in favor of the plaintiff – bank or collection agency. After that, you have to communicate with the bailiff, who will come to describe your property. However, the majority of debtors are already at this stage are in the bank to make a confession. " If the amount loan small – up to 50 000 rubles, the agency may apply to a magistrate and obtain a "writ", which is much shorten debt collection. Our educational program. Rules of "good tone" for the borrower fall into arrears. – If difficulties in making payments, it is best not to wait for a call from the bank or collection agency as soon as possible to contact the bank and explain the situation.