State Ones

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While it is stolen of day and it makes Brazil to stop to grow. This exactly Brazil grows of night. He is when the drivers carry its loads for esburacadas roads. When the pilots of freight-carrying airplanes cut Brazil in some directions. He is when the doctors operate in hospitals without the minimum condition, why the money destined to the hospitals was deviated. He is when the bakers cross the night so that you in the day to day morning, receive that small bread quentinho and crocante. is also when the made a mistake ones of the life are sleeping. Brazil grows when the wrong ones of the life sleep.

E in the floor of the waltz appeared passes-quatrense been born in day 16 of March of? we do not go to say the age the lover and obtained to invent the wheel of new. What this miner, born close to Is Lourenco there, in the south region and southwestern of Mines, made was to improve what it was always made in Brazil. The ones that is in the power deal with the things of the State, as she was of property only exclusively its or its banking account as being extension of the governmental banking account. Again somebody that it speaks more than the mouth used to such invention of 1439 and one such of Internet and denounced all the intrigue. what it happened then? They do not obtain to advinhar? IT SWIMS.

But it was not given for looser. Botou falao regarding a subject, in which it affirms categorically that the problem of Brazil is not the corruption and the shunting lines of public mounts of money.

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