Two ends Hugo Chavez and Alvaro Uribe both represent opposite ideological poles in South America. First more pro-Cuba is the government and the second more the pro-Bush of the subcontinent. Both also lead to unique the two South American republics that did not have military dictatorships in setentas, but to the unique regimes of strong and reeleccionista presidencialismo that have obtained or want to obtain more than two mandates. Both have confronted serious military oppositions. Chvez demoted to a blow in the 2002 that wanted to him to overthrow and accused to have animated Bogota it.
Uribe, however, does not face a military revolt supported by neighbors, but a guerrilla longeva that lasts six decades and that he accuses Ecuador and Venezuela to have offered handle to him. Uribe is paladn to drive Free Trade Agreement in a subcontinent that, with the exception of Peru and Chile, it prefers to avoid it stops to take step to a more protectionistic model or of regional integration. Chvez is the creator of the DAWN, which it sees like an agreement where Latin countries exchange with more fairness and perhaps they coordinate policy and militarily before the USA. Uribe is the main promoter of an economy monetarist, abierta and privatizante, whereas Chvez is the one who has come pushing the region to be distanced of as much economic liberalization and to go towards policies more of cuts estatistas, nacionalizantes or to want to redistribute the wealth. A love-hatred relation Both constantly become friends and fight. Oracle has compatible beliefs. The question of the CRAF has taken to strong crises. In 2005 Caracas and Bogota almost they break relations as a result of the Colombian incursion in Venezuela to capture the leader Rodrigo Granda of the CRAF. Later a reconciliation came in which trans-guajiro was spoken to make common works like ducto.