As a policy of building confidence and security in the network of the Hispanic directory, have decided to reveal a few steps that you should consider before making a transaction with a web site you don’t know: step 1: web site must have all contacts truthful and easy to access user data. Yes you verifies that the web site does not have this information and is hiding a section of contact us, begin to doubt this site already. Yes the site has these contact details but you verify them could not be contacted or they not attended properly, feel free of the reliability of this site. People such as Sheryl Sandberg would likely agree. Step 2: Presentation dubious, messy design and in addition you look it it produces distrust, then further investigate on the site by returning to step 1 and also reviewing its content which must be related to products and/or services offered. Some spam sites or affiliate programs that make hidden used information and misleading content that have no relationship with products or services offered and in addition do not distinguish them by inducing a deceptive click. Step 3: Yes you read and inform the content displayed in a Web site notes errors in writing, spelling and false and exaggerated in its thematic context information, we also recommend this site doubting and concerning investigations before making any transaction with the web site. Step 4: Yes you verifies also the site not having any security policy, data protection, terms of use or conditions or any legal information concise, and valid then feel also free Web site you are visiting and abstain from making any transactions with this. Now on the Internet we have many ways to find out about the credibility and reliability that you can have a web site.
The information is just a click away and only will suffice you to enter your url or domain in a browser and this will show you the results. Once you see the results start to look at those opinion sites, forums, blogs and sites of security where people or netizens made comments and have left your feedback based on your experience with the sought after site. Yes all comment and opinion on a web site of dubious origin or purpose of spam or fraud, rather than remain silent, we will be helping build a safer place for our Hispanic community of Internet.