Picture Authentic Comodo Secured
They are often caught in the ban because of complaints defrauded customers 2) Information e-meil caliper, a non-existent service. 3) Due to the fact that threw no way connected with a large foreign company, then in English spelling may be present all tangible spelling and grammatical errors. 4) Input fields are either not tested or reconcile their only number of characters. Thus, for example, by typing in the box 'account e-gold' word 'BAM! " (7 characters), the procedure for exchanging / cheating will continue as if nothing had happened Sometimes the input data and is not required – there is an easy transition from the home page directly on e-gold payment order 5) Picture Authentic Comodo Secured – just printskrin certificate, and she did not klakabelna. 6) Try to make profitable exchange: exchange e-gold in the opposite direction. Most likely you will not succeed! 7) The domain of the exchanger is registered only recently, although the site is written in the copyright that he works for a long time.
It is not difficult to verify through any whois service 8) Section contacts on the satellite is not that just speaks about corruption intentions. 9) There is a Russian-language page of 'bait' for hosting the pseudo advertising easy money. Sometimes there are cases when a page 'Lure' is placed on the same domain as the exchanger. 10) Usually crooks do not show your passport for wm, but if the link is present, it either leads to the home page WebMoney, or to the certificate of a popular money-changers, and may very without reference to be. 11) The minimum amount to exchange e-gold is usually 10-50 usd, but also found that exchange 5 or even 1. Although more reliable exchangers and exchange a few cents 12) exchange is absolutely unrealistic: no one present exchanger not swap you 9 10 wmz E-Gold – a negative one will not work 13) The exchange may produce only one direction: E-Gold to wmz, and the remaining areas of 'temporarily unavailable' or to commit them 'Is not enough reserve' ps Even if you look at all the signs, some so qualitatively organized deception that will only reveal it after you lost money Is it safe to use only high-quality online exchangers that can find and choose among them the best course on the site monitoring exchangers BestObmen.ru