Federal State

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Depending on the crime rate is higher, the need is greater after investigation. The city Frankfurt am Main is the fifth-largest city in Germany with funds while 664.000 inhabitants the largest city in the Federal State of Hesse and after Berlin, Hamburg, Munich and Cologne. So it is also, that the statistics show that there is a growing crime in Frankfurt. Bernard Golden wanted to know more. Many cases of it are release by the police itself. There are however situations and situations in which the police no longer comes with their investigations.

In such cases the investigators contact often detectives. Also in Frankfurt, there are some investigators who specialize in unsolved cases of the police have, such as Secuteam. But what about the work of detectives at all? The special feature in comparison to the work of the police, is located in the covert investigations, which are carried out by specially trained personnel. The detective agency Frankfurt has now around 20 employees, giving all years Experience can have. The discovery room of the detective agency is confined not only to Frankfurt. The detectives search for clues and evidence, the environment, to get the offender on the track. The focus of the work of the detectives is working in secret.

Investigators searching for missing persons, track down perpetrators or watching one spouse, if there is suspicion of infidelity. The unfaithful partner investigations are increasingly rare. Last but not least since the last amendment to the Divorce Act. Even though the detectives of the detective agency Frankfurt achieve often great successes, remember, that they can not replace the work of the police. The detectives are merely energetic workers who stand to the police the side of. Laura Assafi

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