Durkheim Questions

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Socioambiental responsibility Topical Special in Classic Sociology/Social Sciences Federal University of the Espirito Santo INTRODUCTION the ambient question comes occupying, currently, position of prominence in the speech politician, economic and organizacional of great companies who have, of some form in its activities, some degree of impact to the environment through its lines of action and production. They exist, nowadays, action mechanisms, have controlled and fiscalization that adjustments promote and impute sanctions for the companies whom they do not search if to adjust to the new requirements related to the care with the ambient preservation and conservation. The ambient certification and the ambient licensing are instruments of this sort. The certification elapses of a requirement of the market, that is, it is not an action of the will of spontaneous form, but a commercial and social instrument, that matters in being inserted in the model of competitive and recognized company for comprometimento with the environment and the social one; the licensing, on the other hand, of intervention of the Public Power in the private activity, with the purpose of ambient protection. In both, however, one searchs to act according to a philosophy of the development associated with the ambient conservation.

As to analyze, to the light of sociology, the pertinent questions to the environment. Which the modifications that are currently occurring in the society. resses the importance of the matter here. Which gnese of the ambientalista movement and which the ways that had been and that still they are being covered. The article theoretically indicates the main implications for hodierna global society. It also indicates possible solutions for the questions that say respect to the environment. It points the implications of the ambient questions in the formation of the current society. According to Durkheim, two forms of social solidarity can be evidenced: solidarity mechanics, typical of the societies daily pay-capitalists, where the individuals if identify through the family, of religion, of the tradition, the customs.

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