Contemporary Literature
The citizen after-modern does not have a safe reference, is astray. If modernity promised the happiness through the progress of science or a revolution, after-modernity promises a nothing that it intends to be the ground for everything. The broken up in its values and deturpada after-modern society in its meaning lives a moment of identity search. We could raise the following questionings: After-modernity is marked by the contradiction, rupture, negation or consolidation of the modern system? That one does not influence the configuration of the contemporaneidade? We cannot define with clarity, studious that later comes to analyze the aspects of the after-modern society and the contemporary, when perhaps perceived as closed cycles and loosers, have more success in its delimitations and characterizations. Today what we have is a confusion of uncertainties and doubts.
2. 2 After-modern Literature literature and the reality are in constant contact, are interrelacionam, therefore they are influenced mutually. If the after-modern society brings in itself characteristic proper, this will be portraied in literature, if currently we have a confused world, of simulacros, incredulities, niilismo, narcissism, individualism and spalling our literature will portray this moment since this is the hiperreal representation of the same one. We would add to this aspect the fact of the literary art to be produced by the man, for the man and on the man, this art represents the sadnesses and happinesses, distresses them and the certezas, the way to perceive and to feel of the man before the reality surrounds that it, as the mimtico process of the art foresaw Aristotle when thinking. In this context, all literary composition reflects peculiarities of one definitive time, even so makes also it in relation what it is universal in humanity terms. Concerning the first point, Coutinho (2003, P. 184) is located: Each time and nation in it offers a sort to them of world vision, of conception of life.