Board Construction

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3. Gary Kelly wanted to know more. Its active Marketing Plan remember to whom we will go now: to those who still do not know him. By its previous condition of unknown for them, must reach a large number of persons, entities or companies (remember the response of marketing actions %), through a series of successive steps through which must go getting the following achievements: draw your attention. Generate them interest. Awaken the desire. Additional information at Facebook supports this article. Cause them to the action of purchase / contracting. These potential customers, from the outset, must demonstrate them its differentiated competition, meaning that you cannot (should not) submitted to them as an architect that makes Projects and management of construction, or construction company dedicated to civil and industrial works (is there another kind of works?). Why? Because each one of these individuals, entities or companies probably has or knows one (perhaps several) architects or construction companies friends or acquaintances who also made and management of construction projects.

Do and if you already have one (or several) that they do the same as you or your company says it does, to what would like to another, above, unknown? The answer could be for nothing. But suggest that you work on another response: to present Distinto. To make it different. Do the DIFFERENTIATED competence of a professional construction cannot be taken by: be the cheapest, the most precarious (if precarious) advantage, with which a professional could occur would be: how much could sustain this advantage over the years? As seen professionally under the qualification of potential clients If you would like the cheapest? Offer a good service to the customer would submit is discretely? Remember that potential customers to whom you want to reach LO UNAWARE; then, by way of recommendation, exit on your side of your desk or Board, and put a potential client-side, and make the million dollar question: what may need this group of persons, entities or companies that I / my Studio / my company has to offer?.

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