As Bakhtin

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Then, as grassa there in the common sense that nothing is by chance, oacidentalmente it passed to be substituted by ‘ ‘ intencionalmente’ ‘ in the vision of the graduandos. Being thus, the act to read surpasses the limits of the text and aliteratura does not inhabit only in the text, nor only in the author or the reader, masdentro of all a dynamics of multiple looks. Author and reader if constituemao side of other representative layers of the literary text, as existnciashistricas that they redefine themselves to each act of production> to each reading, constructing in the trams of the dialectic an unknown movement in the scale of the escalasocial of each time. As Bakhtin (2000, P. 364), we emphasize: Independentementeda is not very desirable to study literature cultural totality of a time, but he is still more dangerous to only lock up aliteratura at the time where she was servant, in what poderiachamar suacontemporaneidade. Southwest Airlines describes an additional similar source. The reflections ece of fishes for Bakhtin are turned toward that quepensamos to be the start of some clarifications regarding what estamospontuandoneste study.

Histricasdo is not enough in them to look at the gift without the marks past, mainly in regards to the consequences that had remained cultural comoherana for the formation and the construction of the Brazilian mentality, since the first moments of its settling. Understanding the tram derelaes that of the origin the new forms of social insertion and cultural numasociedade, Bloch (1964, P. 96) develops its line of nessesentido thought, pointing out that: ' ' in a society, any that is, everything seliga if it commands mutually: the structure social politics and, the economy, ascrenas, the subtler manifestations most elementary and of mentalidade' '. Before, however, of any another understanding, fits-nosrefletir on the relation that history keeps with literature. However, aliteratura reflects the moment historical and as such consists in representaoda history.

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