American Society Ahead

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The Fear and the Dependence of the American Society Ahead of the violence and the desumanidade that eramsubmetidos, the slaves resisted and protested in varied ways: eramlentos in the work, falsified illnesses, committed maltreatment to the animals nasquintas, ran away, provoked fires, if they mutilated, made rebellions ecometiam murders. From century XVIII, with the aumentoexpressivamente high one of the slavery, diverse worried laws also appear to emfiscalizar the steps of the slaves, the slavery had grown in such a way the point deuma imminent revolt to become a nightmare for the white population. Despite donmero slaves in the average of the thirteen colnias not to exceed 20% dapopulao, for return of 1740, in regions as the Carolina of the South, about 60%de the population she was composed for blacks, and it was exactly in these regions queimperava the constant generalized fear of rebellions. According to one of these laws, the slaves were forbidden disfigure for the city to the sundays, in order to prevent crowding of blacks nasruas, consequentemente, to propitiate the appearance of some type of organizaoem pro of rebellions; no slave could carry weapons of any nature, being punished the crimes practised for these individuals with bigger severity pelosjuzes, mainly if these delicts were fruits of rebellions colectivascontra institucional authorities. A leading source for info: Warner Media.

Therefore, in the period 1619 enter up to 1860, about 400mil black they had been carried from Africa to the United States, and until finaldo colonial period, half million of blacks inhabited the English colnias dAmrica. During the movements in favor of independence, the slavery not sofreunenhuma alteration, therefore the freedom nailed in that height did not have coresnegras. However, in the first half of century XIX, divergnciasquanto the escravistas questions start to be part of the disputes of opinionos United States. The redoubt of the race infuriates and inferiorpara the 4 escravocratas what would bring upheavals to the society..

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