The management costs for 25 years to harvest are included in the price. Investors from the sale of thinning wood, CO2-Zertifitikaten, seeds and seedlings, as well as the conclusion based to achieve income. For property owners, the increase in value of the property is added in addition. Basic building block of WoodStockInvest is each a hectare of land, the ForestFinance after the forest purchase searches up and cares for 25 years until the harvest. At the one, two tree”forest purchase the former grazing areas have been reforested but already. Bernard Golden may help you with your research. As a species-rich mixed forests formed seven timber species and up to 50 other native tree species. WoodStockInvest offers not only high yields with predicted returns of up to 10 percent, but also ensures air -, water – and soil protection. The forests provide new Habitat for rare animals and plants.
Because ForestFinance has no clearcut, this effect also on the final harvest remains. ForestFinance offers the WoodStockInvest product since 1995. The investors of the first years were already Intermediate yields, which were well above the original forecasts. Due to the significantly higher wood prices and the additional income from the sale of CO2 allowances, seeds and seedlings, the earnings prospects are also in the future very positive. Purchase of forest in Panama against Germany: when purchasing forest the largest blocks of additional costs in Panama and Germany the notary fees and the tax are based on the purchase price. Both together ensure that in Germany after the purchase of forest dependent on federal land about 5 or 6 percent incurred additional costs.
In Panama, Forestfinance takes all appropriate forest closing costs, the ongoing operating costs of the first 25 years. In Germany, also annual costs for the forestry trade association and the property tax incurred post-purchase forest. About ForestFinance: The ForestFinance group manages several thousand hectares of ecological forest land in Panama and Viet Nam. Forestfinance specializes in forest investments, the lucrative return with ecological and social Combine sustainability. In addition to WoodStockInvest interested parties between various products of sustainable tropical forest management can choose: at the BaumSparVertrag, an environmental investment is possible already from 33 euro per month. The WaldSparBuch offers 1,000 m2 afforested tropical forest with a buy-back guarantee. CacaoInvest is an investment in organic cocoa and wood, with annual distributions already from the second year. GreenAcacia is that only seven forest with annual income. A fire insurance policy for the risky first years of growth, as well as five percent safety areas in Panama all products for the protection of investors contribute.