Walter Benjamin
In the studio the device so deeply impregnates the queo Real that appears as reality ‘ ‘ pura’ ‘ , without the strange body of machine, technician is in fact the result of a procedure purely, that is, the image filmada for a chamber made use in an angle special and mounted with others damesma species. The relation of Benjamin (1993, P. 186) if of, in my opinion, maiscom the cinematographic equipment of what with the public in itself, therefore, a’ ‘ reality, pparently purified of any intervention technique, acabase disclosing artificial, and the vision of the immediate reality is not more than visode a blue flower in the garden of tcnica.’ ‘ Breaking itself of the ideas of WalterBenjamin (1993), ‘ ‘ the eye more fast apprehends of what the hand draws, oprocesso of reproduction of the images tried such acceleration that it started to asituar itself the same in level that the word oral.’ ‘ In the same way the cinema, to aoconjugar image and sound. Moreover, Walter Benjamin not ‘ ‘ apostava’ ‘ natcnica in itself, but in how much it could be the expression of a new perception. Learn more on the subject from Bernard Golden . But, what it is understood for perception? In accordance with the author: the nature that if dirige to the chamber is not same that the one that sedirige to the look. The difference is mainly in the fact of that the space in queo man acts conscientiously is substituted for another one where its action inconsciente. (…) the chamber with its innumerable resources auxiliary, suasimerses and emerses, its interruptions and its isolamentos, its extensions esuas accelerations, its magnifyings and its miniaturizations. It opens in them, pelaprimeira time, the experience of the unconscious tico, in the same way that apsicanlise in them opens the experience of the unconscious pulsional. Of remaining portion, existementre the two unconscious relations narrowest.