Viera Business

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It is of if foreseeing for the next years a bigger refinement in the offered services, that establish a species of fine tunning between producer and consumer, aiming at to reach an adequate level of satisfaction to the characteristics of the current times. These challenges alone will be able to be surpassed from new ideas that also adds modern tools of work, that is, innovation and empreendedorismo that according to LOZINSKY (2010), is the constant capacity to innovate and to transform the company, either a small change in a specific process, either the launching of a new product or service. To mount or to keep a business she is necessary that if it makes a good plan of business, then we can understand as plain of business, as SALIM (2005, p.3), ' ' Plan of business is a document that contains the characterization of the business, its form to operate, its strategies, its plan to conquer a slice of the market and the projections of expenditures, prescriptions and financial results. In this in case that specific the project object is a called way of lodging Inn, and fits historical data so that the concept is clearly. For COAST; AUTRAN and VIEIRA (2007, P. 112), Inn is a situated establishment in tourist places, is of the urban centers, that receive people in trips from recreation and leisure that can be installed or not in a building of historical value or regional or local importance. It has an administrative structure familiar e, in function of its small transport, grants to treatment personalized its guests. The considered establishment will be located preferential in a privileged region for hdricos resources, fauna and Amazonian flora in its totality, with tropical and healthful climate that would disponibilizaria a cast of services as, for example: walked in the forest, nocturnal focalization of the alligator, would fish, techniques of survival in the forest, exploration of igaraps and igaps. If you are unsure how to proceed, check out Cambiar Investors.

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