University College

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Donald Yeomans, director of the Office of nearby objects to Earth from nasa, a meteorite impact: in very large time scales, the risk of dying as a result of the impact of a near-Earth object is roughly equivalent to the risk of dying in a plane crash. To cause a big problem for our civilization, the impact would have to be around 1.5 km in width or more, expect an event like that every million years approximately. Hans Moravec, researcher of the Institute of Robotics from Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh, Robots take command: robotic controllers dual its complexity every year or every two years. They are currently just below the lower range of vertebrate complexity, but they should reach us at mid-century. By 2050, I foresee that there will be robots with a mental power as humans with capacity of abstraction and generalization. NIR Shaviv, Professor of physics at the University of Jerusalem, bombardment of cosmic rays by the outbreak of a star: every few decades, a giant star of our Galaxy, runs out of fuel and explodes. It is what is called a Supernova.

Cosmic rays they extend in all directions. If it turns out that the Earth is in the Middle can cause a new ice age. If the Earth already has a cold climate, a bonus download of cosmic rays could do that things helasen of truth and cause the extinction of a number of species. Bill McGuire, director of the Benfield Hazard at the University College of London, Supervolcanos: approximately every 50 000 years the Earth undergoes a supervolcano. More than 1000 square kim of Earth can be undone in a flow of ash clastic piro, all around can meet ash and sulfuric gases will inject into the atmosphere, creating a thin veil of sulphuric acid around the planet that would not pass in the sunlight for years.

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