United Kingdom
Is a total little informed about open Government reflected the German online population: only 41 percent know one of the listed offers. In first place is the Switzerland here three-fourths of the Onliners know at least one of the open government offers (74 percent). “The Swiss are leaders in use: 39 percent of those surveyed use the contact management”. The ability to enter, with the management of social networks in contact is three percent among users at least known. Despite a moderate use of open government services, respondents to see various advantages.
The biggest selling point for many is is that a public discussion can serve as early warning system for the policy. In the D-A-CH countries and in the United Kingdom about two-thirds of the online population see this advantage. In Sweden and in the United States there is at least half. Many mobile Government skeptics Smartphone, Tablet & co are increasingly used, to do administrative procedures regardless of time and place. With a total of 68 percent (46 percent extremely important””; 22 percent important “) in the future, especially the Austrians attributable to a high importance the mobile devices. The country where mobile Government as comparatively less important is considered to be, is the Switzerland.
“For a quarter, mobile phone or other mobile devices remain unimportant in the future” or even extremely unimportant “for the handling of administrative procedures. “Mobile devices in this context are extremely important for 48 percent of the respondents in Germany” (27 percent) or important “(21 percent). “21% Rate the future importance of mobile devices as unimportant” (5 percent) or very unimportant “(16 percent). The high percentage of those who reject mobile Government is striking in all countries. Especially in the United States with 66 percent and With 61 percent many respondents indicating Germany want to use in the future no mobile online Government services. In the year of 2012, 39 percent in Germany and 54 percent in the United States rejected the use of mobile Government. eGovernment MONITOR 2013: method fact sheet selection interviews performing 1,000 interviews in Germany (DE) and Switzerland (CH), 1,001 interviews in Austria (A), 1,007 interviews in the United States, 685 interviews in Britain and Northern Ireland (UK) in the further text United Kingdom called and 1,023 interviews in Sweden (SE). Population persons in private households in Germany, Austria, the Switzerland, Sweden, United Kingdom and the United States at the age of 18 years, who use the Internet privately. Choice online panel; Data weighted according to central characteristics (gender, age, and formal education). Representative survey results to the entire population that is transferable. Survey method implementation as a online survey (computer assisted Web interview, CAWI, KW of 32 to KW of 34 in the year 2013). Definition E-Government E-Government under we understand information and services by public authorities and public institutions (municipality, town, district, etc.) which can be used over the Internet, such as for example the electronic tax declaration. Definition open Government open Government stands for the opening of Government and public administration to the citizens and the economy. The aim is greater transparency, more political participation and increased cooperation between Government and the governed. Presentation of results the press conference as a PDF document which full study 2013 is eGovernment MONITOR as a PDF under publications or to download ready.