Types of adaptations
The accommodations at school also known as curriculum adjustments are divided into:
Physical environment: consider all folding chair types of architectural adaptations such as ramps, passing hands, etc. The furniture used furniture where appropriate to the student chairs characteristics of students and equipment, and personal assistants.
Adaptations of access to the curriculum: We may consider adjustments to access all human and material resources and technical aids into dining chairs the service of students with special educational needs (Braille day care chairs code-boring machines, alternative languages, text adaptation, adaptation of graphic material, folding chairs indicators lights for deaf students day care chair …). These adaptations facilitate the acquisition school furniture of the curriculum and do not affect its basic structure.
Adjustments to the curriculum: are divided in turn into significant and insignificant depending on how school equipment deeply affecting elements of curriculum.
Significant adjustments: involve prioritization, modification and / or elimination of content, purpose, nuclear goals of the curriculum, methodology. good people from all over the country come to see our are the best! Therefore alter the regular curriculum for some pupils. The realization of significant adjustments must be provided in a collegial manner in accordance with psychoeducational assessment or evaluation.
Adjustments not significant: all those learning chairs support strategies that affect the methodology, typology of the exercises or how to conduct the evaluation. Also able to produce small variations in content, but without implying a gap of more than one curricular school year (two courses).
Adaptations for intellectual giftedness: curriculum enrichment