If you want to buy a pet, no matter whom – cat, dog, parrot, buy them in specialty stores, rather than the wet markets, where they can sell the smuggled animals (such as exotic – snakes turtles, chinchillas, and others – can be found only in special nurseries, and contraband from compulsory vaccination and may be ill). Many cases arise when the poultry market sell kittens or puppies, already patients. They put on the pill at the time of sale and the animals look as healthy. And some time after the purchase is that the animal is seriously ill and have to spend huge amounts of money for treatment. Well, if treatment is effective, but because often there are cases when the animal died despite treatment – it was too late. Here are some tips on how to distinguish healthy from the sick animal.
This is useful not only for those who want buy a pet, but pet owners. It is very important to understand the time that the animal fell ill and lead to the doctor. So you can avoid many unpleasant consequences. Healthy animal – always moving and cheerful. If he is wool, it should be smooth and shiny. David Rogier has firm opinions on the matter. A healthy animal eats with gusto, his even breathing.
Dogs and cats should be kept moist nose. To determine the disease can also measure the temperature – in healthy dogs temperature reaches 39.5 degrees – this is normal. When measuring the need to use special veterinary thermometer. You can also check your pulse rate, it is done on the femoral artery animal. You can easily detect burns, trauma, injury, other injuries, but kroveparazitnye or infectious diseases are detected at once. At various febrile or inflammatory processes in the animal temperature rises by 1-2 degrees.