The Studio
They have a larger membrane and can thereby develop a better sound. In addition, you have a much higher Comfort on what is specially noticeable with longer use. The Studio headphones is located on the upper end of the scale. They are designed for professional use. They are not for the “pleasant”, but the “honest” tone.
They should play an unchanged sound and exactly represent the music as it is so evident in this way errors and bad, from mixing. These headphones are really optimized for use in a recording Studio. A Hi-Fi headphones, however, has good music the task, to make possible even if the quality of the music is not very good pleasant and warm sound. Headphones type headphones can plug in the ear, on the ear or around the ear. A distinction between ironing earphones and earbuds. The ironing listeners there are open, semi-open and closed models. In open systems, the ears are not completely shielded, because the headphones are open outwards and noise can penetrate. These are recommended, if you is not entirely shield can / want to, because you would like to hear or hear the phone ring E.g.
at the music. A disadvantage of these devices is that you hear the sounds from the headphones from the outside. These models are less suitable for the public. Not so much material is required due to the open construction, these headphones are generally easier than closed versions. Thus, they are still comfortable to wear even after several hours. The open construction corresponds to the natural listening more, but has the disadvantage that swell waves may not optimally spread across sound membranes adjacent close to the ear. Closed headphones the listener completely shielded from the outside world and make sure that the sound waves in the ears get. Therefore, this type is ideal for the use in the recording studio and disc jockeys, come for the music lover who wants to hear only music and nothing else.