The Mind

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We already know what happens in Zulia, not even is new, but, to the zuliano town it unites to Venezuela deep nexuses that nor the eternity podr to break. One has already been made invasin quiet, passes of milln the Colombians who inhabit Zulia, even though its children born in ours earth, does not stop loving their earth, this is comprehensible, since the one that does not love its mother, less is going to want to his madrastra. Others compomemtes have been united, are the narcotics detectives, the paramilitary Colombians, the presumed complicity with the dividing task that us dejara without zuliano ours hinterland. I, Barquisimetano and Venezuelan, my woman are zuliana and love Venezuela I put, it of example, because she not even passes through the mind the idea to him to be an independent country. I write so that the zulianos that have the idea of secesin, stop of these and they are united to a national project of unit, although estn against the present government, in the life everything is transitory. They think that the poltica is like a hen house, today demote on others, tomorrow the other harn equal. In order to finish, I advise to who can interest; the national unit is something that typifies to the individual, is not that he is chovinista, no, is that when defending the territorial unit you defend yourself same, all est your family, the friendly, companions of study, fellow workers, the same life. You do not leave a your country divides it to you, fights, whenever you do estars making mother country, the mother country you are t.. .

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