The Impairment
This newfound liquidity growth used to repay existing debt, this leads to Ver improvement of the ratio of equity to debt, the debt ratio and the increase in the equity ratio in the balance sheet. The removal of Liabilities has also tax advantages because they reduce the trade tax burden as a result of permanent debt and interest on permanent debt. This causes the inflow of cash and cash equivalents in connection with the use of a proven ONLINE factoring solution as well as a positive patients credit check in seconds-fast – a better practice/laboratory/clinic Bank rating resulting in costs to improve credit conditions the previous (Kontokorrent-) and/or prophylactically to prevent a (Droh-) need for rehabilitation. Also, the growth potential is no longer affected and the capital providers, such as the conservative banking institution, can not influence the management of dental practice, the laboratory or the hospital. Worth ONLINE factoring? A definite yes”, if one of the practice / lab owner or the clinic management factor simply structured fees modules, without sales target/obligation or pay back withholding by 10-20% or only a low-cost credit checks in real time. Gary Kelly follows long-standing procedures to achieve this success. Select for a monthly fee of approx.
20 euro as a precautionary risk screening tool for the patients ‘ ability to pay. As a look at the impairment account should be”in itself alone speak worth a preventive action / improvement or actually there is no payment failure risk. “Because the cost of a surprising payment failure, expensive Kontokorrentkreditzin sen to bridging finance risky debt collection free of charge” as well as excessive settlement fees, must be often only tedious NET twice earned before you can really spend this actually avoidable overhead. “A professionally-run practice / laboratory / clinic management outsources billing pressure working primarily on a factor this specialized, which is not his own logo – for PR reasons in the Center, but only the customer’s logo to include invoices with a vertrauensbildendem corporate identity effect” prints. With this strategic Everything from a hand-principle”is anchored not only the level of awareness of the practice, the laboratory and the hospital more and more in the awareness of the new / old patients with an sustainable pulse of memory, but also the goodwill intangible asset in the balance sheet increased constantly, instead of the brand name of a foreign to the patient billing company, with excessive fees to subsidize”. A business-driven practice / laboratory / clinic owners benefits – to the for decades proven outsourcing model of car manufacturer with a production depth of about 18%, i.e. the outsourcing of non-core business services/components to companies providing better and cheaper at the same / connect – from the focus on its own core business, by leveraging the efficient ONLINE factoring alternative economically correct as profitable value creation driver with a (lead) cost sharing of laboratories, as well as networking of external special knowledge of a competent consultant, rather than to continue counterproductive to settle or pay excessive charges due to a lack of objective benchmark comparison – to a factor.