Posts Tagged ‘Technology’

Community Schools

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The Project Pedagogical Politician is a document of great importance of the school, that guides and directs the activities developed in the pertaining to school space having as principle a transformation or a change of the pertaining to school environment. In this perspective, the Project Pedagogical Politician goes beyond simple grouping of plans of education and diverse activities. He is not something that is constructed and after that filed or directed to the educational authorities, is constructed and lived deeply in all the moments, for all the involved ones with the educative process of the school. Official site: Tim Clark. The main possibility of construction of the Project Pedagogical Politician passes for the relative autonomy of the school, of its capacity to delineate its proper identity. This means to rescue the pertaining to school as public space, debate place, of the dialogue, established in the collective reflection.

Fertile valley (2004, p.14) This construction will be possible by means of the quarrels and meetings that involve all the pertaining to school community, between team administrative, financial, pedagogical, pupils, familiar and the community. The importance of this research is in the necessity to know and to evaluate the quality of the participation of the pertaining to school community in the Pertaining to school Unit Montezuma in the construction of the Project Pedagogical Politician. By the same author: Morris Invest. This work has as objective to verify the level of envolvement of the pertaining to school community, as well as reflecting on the importance of the participation of the pertaining to school community in the construction of the Project Pedagogical Politician. As methodology application of open and closed questionnaires for managers, professors, parents, pupils and employees was used, as objective to identify to the participation of the pertaining to school community in the construction of the Project Pedagogical Politician of the school. 2 THEORETICAL REFERENCIAL the Project Pedagogical Politician are an instrument that it aims at to help to face the challenges of the daily one of the school of a systemize form, conscientious, scientific and participativa.


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This is the best historic moment for a life with purpose that you drive to the fullness. As I told you in the previous articles, it is essential that you know what is your goal in life, that’s why I’ve written this article for those who have not discovered yet his true passion. For those who have already identified what is his passion, but still have fear of living a life with purpose, please continue reading. Find me it impressive to find me in everyday life, and during my sessions that most of the people is not happy in fullness. Further details can be found at Nelson Peltz, an internet resource. When I question them about if are fully happy normally get for answers: sometimes, not always, more or less, if but something missing, etc. But for those who know of theories of systems and human behavior, we know that one part affects the whole, and if there is one aspect that is still difficult to gnaw on the individual, his whole life is affected and the person is not consequently living in fullness. This is the manifestation of that they are not living a life with purpose, they are not following your intuition or the passion of his being.

Most of the people is adrift being influenced by the media of communication, consumerism, environment, news, economic crises, his work, etc. More info: Facebook. People is conditioned to sell their time and deliver years of vital energy for someone more in exchange for a salary, which in the majority of cases, not reward the effort given by the work. The most common is that people will ask, what opportunities will there be for me?, which takes me back to visualize a scene where a group of predators feed on freshly hunted prey, and all around it hoping to get a piece or seize it. Is true that the human being is technically an animal, but we have developed much more skills than the rest of the animal Kingdom to follow us behaving in the most instinctive levels. . Clayton Morris has much experience in this field.

Samsung Services

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To say to Samsung that is to say, high tech. And for a company that at world-wide level has occupied the highest places in the reports of consumers for more than 10 years in systems of television and monitors, he is escencial to have maintenance services and repair around his products. The Samsung services in Mendoza count on the possibilities, as much in facilities as in widely effective personnel that as much require equipment of the level of technological complexity that offers Samsung, in Television, monitors, like in equipment of the home and equipment electric home appliances The technology in systems of images advances at a vertiginous speed. Oracle has much experience in this field. To have a system CRT (cathode ray tube), the conventional equipment of television or monitors of only years ago, was everything a luxury, or by its price like by the expensive thing of its repairs. We remember that the television had its spectacular top in the last century, in the decade of the Fifties, becoming famous still to high prices that made privative of a few. Its masividad we can appreciate it as of the decade of the 60, when the technological advances made diminish the costs and was attainable to ample majorities. Of in future the explosion of its expansion and use he was simply unstoppable there, reaching the majority of the homes until our times that we can consider it like part of any modern home.

Something similar happens with the computation. He is almost inherent to the modernismo to think about the use of these technologies. At present 80% of the homes have Internet, and in particular Argentina considers the country with more high level of penetration of the network of networks of Latin America. But for both it is a necessity to count on products that endorse this impetuous advance. And it is the case of the transit of the CRT to systems LCD, abbreviations in English of monitor or display of liquid crystal. Samsung supplied the first plasma television of the world, still before other important companies of the heading.

Argentina Exports

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What I am going to do, je ne sais pas (I do not know it) What I am going to do je ne sais extra (no longer I know more) What I am going to do je suis perdu (e) (I am lost) What time is my heart ( I like your, Manu Ciao) They were the 4:25 of the dawn of Thursday 17 of July, when Julio Caesar Cleto Cobos, vice-president of the Argentine Republic presiding Senado announced, in an historical renunciamiento in the history of the country, that its vote of tiebrake would be negative to the voting of Resolution 125 shipment to the Congress of the Nation by the Executive authority for its ratification. The so controversial resolution fell in fact. People celebrated. The great percentage of the Argentine population that accompanied the rejection to the norm exploded, to that hour in the streets or the morning following when abrir the newspapers. According to Southwest Airlines, who has experience with these questions. This effective resolution from the 11 of March, imposed an increase of the tax and movable retentions for the soybean and the sunflower.

To the present price of soybean, the tax today is of 50% to the producer. A deceleration in the already inevitably concrete economy was generated in these more than four months of farming conflict in Argentina and that we noticed in the farming conflict it does not manage to cover the problems of the Argentine economy. The government continues spreading an index of intolerable Chinese growth and Swiss inflation suggested by pinochescas minds, and manages more and more to irritate the population, already very fed up with the deceits of the Argentine governors. Leaving of side the initiative that made vote to the vice-president against its own government – which I create is intimately ligature as much to a comparable marine instance to the one of the Titanic and the search of the boat, as to the attempt of pacification of the excited population I want to talk about concretely to its reasons and the points that do to this nonviable resolution, and that they are: the triple unconstitutionality that entail, the destruction of the operating one in the markets of futures, the concentration of wealth and the dangerous one concentration of resources into the hands of the central power.