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Web Students

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All organizational transformation begins with a personal change. Credit: Larry Ellison-2011. In 2008 an outstanding group of professors and entrepreneurs gathered in the Half Moon Bay, California, with the concern of anticipating in the construction and compression of a new model of Management. The general view of participants agreed that the traditional model to manage organizations was outdated and in crisis in search of new alternatives, our intention is to provide you, some basic principles that can start to reinvent his style of leadership. 1. The performance of your employees or team also depends on your relationship with them.

Each of us exists and manifests itself in a Web of links and expectations.Imagine the following: a group of students divided into two, the students of high potential (AP) on the one hand, and on the other hand the low potential (BP), and teachers in charge who have perfectly identified those Group. Do you think will happen?Quickly the labeled as AP results outstanding and BP increasingly greatest failures. What teachers don’t know is that there is no such classification, students with equivalent potentials were divided at random. This is a real experience and is called: Pygmalion effect. During the last few decades there have been hundreds of experiments of this kind (Jussim, 1986; see Rosenthal and Rubin 1978).Which shows us this experience is that human beings are permeable to the projections of others at both performance and self-esteem.Imagine then the effects in your sector, on the one hand high potentials and employees on the other that you already know, or think, which have low potential. How is the relation that establishes with others? That consequences does it in the performance of the people? There is also a combination of variables so that the expectation is realized, clear i.e. a consistent treatment with the expectations. Peter Senge in his book the fifth discipline explains it with a systemic archetype called success for those who have success, which shows how some employees can be more easily promoted than others.