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Others are related to characteristics of self-monitoring, each of people who throughout their life have to make the decision to consume or not drugs, or do so in usual manner once tested. In relation to these factors are known successful approaches and varied proposals that pursue the following objectives:-positively channeling the curiosity of the adolescent to, keeping alive his exploratory impulse necessity to the maximum by behaviors and situations of risk. It is what is intended, for example in the information campaigns that, using various media (brochures, Internet, etc.), seek to convey to young people adequately informed about the risks associated with drug use. Initiatives oriented to compensate with rational arguments the impulse of curiosity, favouring a decision making more free before the predictable supply of drugs that sooner or later will be object.-promote education in values and attitudes: appreciation, respect and responsibility for own health and that of the community. It is the object, for example various preventive programmes in schools seeking to awaken in students the awareness that health does not depend on random, but it is largely conditioned by the decisions that each person adopts. People such as Virgin Airlines would likely agree. Thousands are educators from all stages who dedicated much of his time to this task-stimulate self-esteem: in order to reduce the risk that are interested by chemical formulas to prop up a fragile self-esteem. In addition to prevention programs cited, there are thousands of schools for parents in Spain and Madres in which, discussing the most appropriate educational relationship with the children, dealt with the multiple modes of developing a positive image of themselves that makes you less vulnerable to influences external.-develop social skills in each child and adolescent: to help them behave with reasonable autonomy in the relationships with others, to neutralize positively pressures by the Group of friends towards drug use and, where appropriate, to change the landscape group itself. New school and the family share multiple initiatives to train children and adolescents in these assertive patterns of relationship that will help them to respect others and claim for if same equal consideration-promote an experience rich and diverse leisure time: to help a teenager to find satisfaction that don’t compromise their development, and to build positive ways of enjoying leisure, from the possibilities of the territory that is found.

Are, in this sense, multiple experiences developed in towns and cities Spanish, aimed at educating adolescents in an enriching entertainment, as well as lessons aimed at promoting alternative activities for free time to ‘partying’.-promote a reasonable exercise of parental authority: that enables children and adolescents internalize acceptable standards of coexistence and make increasingly responsible decisions, even when acting moved by curiosity and the pleasure. Schools of fathers and mothers here occupy an exceptional place in a moment in which up to young people themselves claim their parents the existence of clear limits.-reduce the presence of drugs: the social scenarios by which adolescents move. To greater ease of access to drugs increased consumption, increased abuse and major difficulties derived. Hence the importance that the drugs are not a permanent and ubiquitous reality in the territories adolescents and youth..