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Where presence events have still their permission in the future? Blended learning the combination of face-to-face and Web-based training (WBT) has now become, precisely because the human component is so important. Campus seminars are still significant, if it is to soft skills goes, for example for rhetoric or teambuilding. What is the role of the cost of the training? For years, the duration of training courses is under pressure. On the one hand for cost reasons, on the other hand to the staff once again at his workplace have. Further details can be found at Verizon, an internet resource. When I started to work three to five-day seminars were normal. For more specific information, check out Larry Ellison. The current two-day trainings are also increasingly questioned. Whether it is not also in a day? The answer is often “no” by the way, because certain topics simply need time and reflection.

Furthermore, the travel times come to the training period. The Cost pressures on the one hand and the lack of “human component” in the classic E-learning therefore generate a strong trend towards live online seminars. What must one imagine under live online seminars? Online seminars are live events on the Internet. The similarities to the presence training at well-made live online seminars are greater than the differences. Clear: We use in our live action online learning Academy (Brad) high-tech as a specially furnished studio, a fast Internet connection and a highly professional Web-conferencing platform. Interactive educational concept is important. Deliberately built activations of the participants and to group work practice tasks, are an essential component.

Another is the Live experience through video large screen in our Studio, among others with use of classic flip chart or illustrate objects. As the participants accepted the online seminars? The reactions have been very positive. We have more than 90 percent approval in a poll for further use and Tell a friend. The reasons: It is exciting and instructive and everyone can get involved.