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Prospects Of IT Outsourcing

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In the difficult economic situation in the country of the secondary of IT services, usually transmitted by companies on IT outsourcing will be little demand. Therefore, for many IT companies providing outsourcing services, it's time to readjust to new market conditions and offer something new or more urgent. 'The main condition for the survival of companies during the crisis is the need for scrupulous' inventory', – said Natalia Matzneff, director of business development at ISS. The objectives of such audits: focus on the release of those products which will sell for a slimmed-down market consumption; ensure the preservation of their own Research and production capacity, which ensures competitiveness and ability to 'quick start' in the post-crisis period. Oracle has compatible beliefs. It is likely that IT outsourcing in such conditions, waiting for the sad fate: the overall decline in production, and secondary tasks, usually transmitted in outsourcing will lead to a massive reduction projects that are exchanged during 'external' development. Chances of survival chances of survival IT outsourcing, according to Matzneff, associated either with the ability to offer unique services, which, on the one hand, it is vital neobhodimyiz for the customer, on the other hand, the company is unable to provide appropriate function by itself or with the further cheapening of the cost of outsourcing services. Thus, the current conditions contribute to 'extinction' prevailing model of mass in the IT outsourcing decision 'peripheral' tasks and provide a platform to offer new models for outsourcing. Further development in outsourcing is related to the ability of IT companies to offer solutions that can replace those critical functions that are now performed by firms themselves, by analogy with the lower cost and high flexibility.