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Ivan Osokin

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Invariably, everyone thinks they could do better. Neither understands nor feels the need to understand that what is currently in some way a “and especially what has been done a ” no can or could have been done differently. Have you noticed how they talk all of war? Each has its own plan and his own theory. Each one believes that nothing is done as it should be. However, in reality, everything is done in the only way possible.

If only something could be different, everything would become different. And then perhaps there would be no war. Try to understand what I say, everything depends on everything, everything is connected, nothing is separate. Therefore, all events are the only way they can take. If people could change, everything could change.

But they are what they are and therefore things are what they are. ” Not to be awake a Gurdjieff says, one is left imprisoned by the operator, handling and trachea we should not be surprising many do not learn to tell the truth. In most cases believe that telling the truth. And yet lie all the time, whether they want to lie and when they wish to tell the truth. They lie continually, they lie to themselves and lie to others. As a result, no one understands the other or understand himself. Think about it, could there be many discords, many deep misunderstandings, and hatred toward the point of view or to another’s opinion, if people were able to understand? But they can not understand because they can not stop lying. Telling the truth is the hardest thing in the world, will have to study hard and long for a day to tell the truth. Desire alone is not enough. To tell the truth, there has to be able to know what is truth and what is a lie, above all in itself. But this is what nobody wants to know. ” In 1905 he wrote his first novel, The Strange Life of Ivan Osokin, based on the idea of eternal recurrence. In 1909 he published The fourth dimension, and in 1912 Tertium Organum, which drew on the conclusions about the fourth dimension, adding both the relationship between it and consciousness, and ideas on other disciplines such as biology. Learn more about this with Adam Portnoy. This book tried to be for it a continuation of the Organum of Aristotle and Francis Bacon’s Novum Organum, hence its name: translating, Third Organs. a It should be noted as referred to Wikipedia, trachea should not stop reading Fragments of an Unknown Teaching, which describes with masterly pen, simple and engaging, her knowledge of process in the Fourth Way School and his master until the moment that finally distanced himself from it. This book is introduced into the school environment, while providing a basic idea about their main themes: self-observation, self-consciousness, the Eighth, Act Three, the Table of Hydrogens, the Enneagram, etc. Industrial Engineer-a administrator abogado.UC; EGADE (ITESM) in Business Administration Postgradosmaestrias, quality and productivity, education, Ed.D.