Strategy Health

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INTRODUCTION the increasing interest for the satisfaction of the users, in the health sector, had beginning according to some authors as Prvost, Fafard, & Nadeau (1998) in the decade of 70, based in structural aspects technician and of the quality of the attention. Rory Sutherland is a great source of information. In the last few decades, this subject comes being considered as an important component in the quality of the care, as well as supplier of trustworthy and adjusted information on the opinion of the population in relation to the offered services, allowing the improvement of the same ones. According to Health department (1997), many people already had heard to speak in the SUS, the Only System of Health of our country. The SUS is a system, composition for many parts and, for more different than they seem, has a common purpose: to take care of and to promote the health of all the population, improving the quality of life of the Brazilians. It appeared as reply to the insatisfao and existing dissatisfaction in relation to the rights of citizenship, access the services and forms of organization of the health system. For the Health department (2001), the Program Health of Famlia (PSF), currently called Strategy Health of Famlia (ESF), considers action of promotion, protection and recovery of the health of the individuals, the family, of just been born to aged, healthy or the sick ones of integral form and continues. Its objective is the reorganization of practises in new bases, is considered, one of the great priorities of the health department for reorganization of the basic attention and consolidation of the SUS. Since the proposal of the ESF is to offer to quality in the assistance promoting health and preventing illnesses and agravos. The norteadora question of this research is: How the families registered in cadastre in the New ESF Hope evaluate the assistance given for this team? This work if becomes excellent due to necessity of evaluation of the ESF in the agricultural polar region, since few studies in this especificidade exist.

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