Spanish Republicans
He attended the first studies in La Coruna and secondary education at the Institute in that city. He moved with his family to Madrid, where, at the age of fifteen, joined the Faculty of Philosophy and letters in the Central University, concluding studies in 1926. Two years later he went to Sweden as a reader of Spanish at the University of Gothenburg. And to the next course in the University of Berlin. In those years he gave lectures in various European cities. In 1931 he joined by opposition body optional archivists, librarians and archaeologists, worked in the section of books foreigners of the national library, which was designed by their knowledge of languages, since he spoke English, French, German, Italian and Swedish. He was a member of the Center for historic studies of the Junta de Ampliacion de Estudios and scientific research, taking charge of the Latin American section, whose Tierra Firme magazine, was editor in Chief. He also collaborated in major literary magazines of the time Cruz and stripe, Revista de Occidente y La Gaceta Literaria.
During the Spanish war combat in the army loyal to the legitimate Government of the Republic in which the rank of Captain, also being Commander of the international brigades. He collaborated in hour of Spain, magazine that wrote the most prestigious writers of the time. At the end of the war he exiled in France, to embark at the Sinaia. Sete to Veracruz-us account Manuel Andujar-, Sinaia, an old matalon boat transported – advanced may to 13 June 1939 – to more than 1,600 Spanish Republicans. Coming mostly from French concentration camps.
Among them, nourished and lucido beam of intellectuals, writers and artists. And on that journey was published the first newspaper – Peregrine, in strictly speaking from exile. Among those who made the Sinaia, thus called the journal of instructional and recreational purpose, highlighted, according to Andujar, illustrious historian.