Software GmbH Anne
BKK Scheufelen launches pilot project with new module of atacama Bremen, 11.03.2013 – the BKK Scheufelen regional focuses, and advertises to offer a quick and non-bureaucratic processing of submitted services its 46,000 policyholders by short routes of administration. Dental case management is already for several years on the GKV suite of Bremen IT service provider atacama family-oriented health insurance Software. The solution offers us the ability to process all applications transparently. Very early, we could depict also services in the field of dentures and check”, called Melanie Schwarz, head of Department services, good reasons for the atacama GKV suite. The provider shows always open and flexible to our needs and implement it with success.” The desire of different health insurance companies IT support for case management in the home nursing (HKP) led to the plan to extend the statutory health insurance suite in atacama. A satisfied and innovation-friendly customer like the BKK Scheufelen was just right, atacama to the new module.
HKP to pilot. As we edit the services of home nursing in our House, we quickly arrived on the offer for co-operation. Once we have saved the services only in the application tab of the iskv_21c, and without the measures provided that. So lacked”an overview for all staff and the necessary transparency, Melanie Schwarz looks back. In September 2012, the BKK Scheufelen began trial operation of atacama HKP, the routine operation went the module in December. Target was, a clear presentation of all important information, about to get the diagnosis and measures. In addition, the system should perform a basic check on the basis of the HKP directives so that the staff can focus on the manual handling of special cases. We expect a more efficient examination of the individual in the long run.
This is not only time saving, but also enhances the “our work and last but not least to save money”, Melanie Schwarz is convinced. The first experiences with the new module are very positive. The systematic approach to the software has simplified significantly the acquisition. We have the complete overview of the entire case, which also means a real improvement in the daily work at a glance. The individual tests have worked so far excellent”, accounted for the head of the Department satisfied. Atacama Software GmbH for transparency in health care which atacama Software GmbH was founded in 1998 in Bremen and promotes transparency and efficiency in health care in statutory health insurance (GKV) as well as for service providers with innovative standard software solutions. More than 60 health insurers use the atacama Web-based case management. The software in client systems operate GKV suite, GKV – data centers as a partner. The knowledge-based software solutions for care planning and documentation apenio and apenio LZ are successful used in many hospitals and long-term care facilities. To find more information about atacama, on the Internet at and. Atacama and apenio are registered trademarks of the atacama.