Santiago Leguizamon
We must prevent the risk of serving as a vehicle for the interests of public or private groups. 8. Akointe ojepuru ne hekopete, hendaitepe ara has hesakava. Opaite mba ja ekuaava pa ne eme ja ekuaa porundy tera pokoi ne eme avei. You must always use a clear, concise and clear language. Usually what is said in 10 words always can say in nine, or in seven. 9 Ko tembiapope hasy jahupyty has? ua marandu karaku has nepyruha. Avei hasy namombe u been? au hekoitepe SMS marandu.
Eve SMS marandu airo, ndaheko anetemo airo nahesakamo ara ndojehairi Araka has omone eva noikumbymo airo pe marandu. Marandu ndaha ei jajerovu has? au. Find the shaft and the head of news is no easy task. Neither is narrating a story. There is never get to tell if you are not sure that can be done with clarity, efficiency, and thinking about the interest of the reader rather than the own brilliance. 10 Akointe oi ara mandu marandukuaa ape has eha SMS mba apo jekupytyra.
Marandu asaihara onemoi ara ambueva pyporepe, oikumbyvo ambuevape. Ha, I heta jey, oikova era ambuevaro. Always remember that journalism is, above all, an act of service. It is put in the place of another, understand the other. And, at times, be another. SANTIGO LEGUIZAMoN ARAMANO death of SANTIAGO LEGUIZAMoN 26 jasyrundy 1991 – I, Marandu asaihara Arape, ojejukakuri Tava Pedro Juan Caballero, Paraguay retame, asaihara Santiago Leguizamon marandu. Irundy Brazil-ygua ava hekomarava, oity suck nuhame has ojuka hikuai ichupe pe tape hera ijara yvy? va – pe. Oje Santiago Leguizamon ojejukahague oikogui omombe u Pukoe Mburukuja rupive, mba vaieta ojapova umi oikova Pedro Juan pokare has mboypyri Tava Ponta Porame. On 26 April 1991, day of the journalist, was murdered in the city of Pedro Juan Caballero, Paraguay Republic; the journalist Santiago Leguizamon. Four individuals of Brazilian nationality tended a trap and killed him at the site known as no man’s land. It is believed that the main cause of his assassination was the constant complaint that made by Radio Mburukuja of acts of corruption committed in Pedro Juan Caballero and Punta Pora (Brazil). do 21 mbokara? i ojasuru hetere. 14 tapicha ojejoko has onemoinge ka iraime oje egui has ekuera ojukahague Santiago-pe; It has upeikatu ojepoipaite chuguikuera ndikatuigui ojehechauka has ekuera ojapohague pe mba vaiete. 2002 – me, Santiago kuatiakuera oiva Tekojoja Rogape onembohyru has jeporeka aneteguare pe or? uahe ijapype has oparei. 21 bullets lodged in his body. 14 people were arrested and detained suspected of being the murderers of Santiago; and then they were released for lack of evidence. In 2002 the Justice filed the case of Santiago, to the reign of impunity. Santiago Leguizamon Villa Hayes, Paraguaype, ara henoikuri 26 jasyapy 1950-pe. Omano oreko l’chavero 41 ary. Omendava has oreko irundy nemonare. Ojejuka l’chavero has ekuri Pukoe Mburukuja jara has sambyhyhara, Tava Pedro Juan Caballlero-pe. Santiago Leguizamon was born in Villa Hayes, Paraguay; on March 27, 1950. He was killed at the age of 41. He was married with four children. At the time of his murder, he was the owner and director of Radio Mburukuja, in the city of Pedro Juan Caballero.