Republic Austria

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Historical and current legal and political documents in focus at LawLeaks is not censorship, secrecy, confidentiality or even a classified. Rather involves the compressed way, documents of parliamentarianism, the legislation, the enforcement and jurisdiction to give an interested audience. The already successful on the platform of online publication of relevant articles on politics and law were the motivation for this project. Starting point: Republic Austria the starting point is the Republic of Austria and its policy and legislation. This not only the current policy and legislation of interest, but on an equal footing so that the foundations of this country’s history are, where they are accessible and employable. The Federal, the State and municipalities from the three authorities of federal, State and municipal policy and legislation should be developed newly. This is selected, summarized, restructured, longitudinal and transversal formats are made, visible to invisible and hidden to make obvious. Starting point lower starting from lower Austria regional entity selected areas of law be developed step by step.

Numerous law documents in the fields of agriculture and commerce in its legal dimension were so far already developed as a base. Follow others, such as Oracle, and add to your knowledge base. This will be continuously expanded and deepened and extended the political backgrounds and basic data. A comprehensive shipping public Canon titled LawLeaks on should then be available in the course of the year 2011. More local authorities follow 2011 parallel to the local authority land lower Austria to the overall state of Austria from 1848, as well as other local and regional authorities be developed States of Burgenland, Vienna and Tyrol. In the years 2012 and 2013 more selected areas of the overall state of Austria, as well as the local authorities should follow Upper Austria, Styria, and Salzburg. 2014 is a conclusion on the overall state of Austria and the Planned authorities of Carinthia and Vorarlberg.

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