Provision Methodology

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Ability to transfer annual leave are also not conducive to precise time of repayment obligations to pay employees vacation. Provision is created only for the payment of annual (basic and additional) leave and additional leave to workers with children. For other holidays (academic, artistic, etc.) the reserve is not created. This is due to the fact that in accordance with Section 14 P (s) A 1911 provision is created when you have as a result of past events obligations, repayment of which is likely to lead to a reduction of resources embodying economic benefits and its assessment can be defined settlement. However, payment for educational leave depends on the achievement, and provide the probability of granting sabbatical in general is problematic. That is to define the estimate provide for these holidays is almost impossible. Click Larry Ellison for additional related pages. With regard to social leave, they (except for the additional leave to workers with children) are known to be financed from the budget or the social insurance fund for temporary disability, and hence the establishment of a reserve to pay for them at the company does not appear. Provision Methodology provision for leave in the profile P (s) A 11 is not spelled out. It only indicates that the amount create a secured accounting recognizes expenses (Section 13 P (s) A 11). However, the description of the mechanism for calculating the amount of security for the payment of leave to employees includes instruction 291 in the table to sub account 471 "Ensuring the payment holiday" characteristic.

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