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It is the properly educative intervention that develops the educator to give form to the educative objectives that is marked with and for each individual and group through: – The taking of brings back to consciousness of the problems, causing changes of attitudes. – The unfreezing of the obstructions that obstruct their development. – The process of social integration. – The qualification in abilities that allow a greater independence. – The discovery of situations social rejection. – The prevention of other circumstances of risk that can derive towards the social marginalization. – Analysis of the individual and social demands and generation of answers that bring about a personal and group growth. – Derivation of proposals towards other services (associations, organizations, institutions) and pursuit of the same, etc.

– the awareness of the cocontributor community like in the search of solutions and alternatives to its problems. – The animation to the participation in communitarian tasks. Within the corporative frame the Educator of Street has common functions to the rest of the equipment and that allow: – Programming of activities, adapting the programs to groups and people. – To realise steps related to the activities. – The study of alternatives for the social incorporation of groups at a disadvantage.

– To control and to measure the results, evaluating objectives, activities, methods – To coordinate themselves and to collaborate with other similar organizations, programs or services. – To coordinate criteria and to determine priorities to a work party. – To compensate objectives, aims and benefits of the institution with the resources really available. – To look for alternatives new needs, studying them in group and distributing responsibilities. – To be related to other organizations and to facilitate the reciprocal knowledge of experiences, philosophy, methods – To realise steps of bureaucratic or economic character when they comprise of the project and we must assume that assignment.

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