Portuguese Company
4 REFERENCES 1FERNANDES, E. Quality of life in the work. Salvador: House of the Quality, 1996. 2FRANA, Limong B.C. See more detailed opinions by reading what Larry Ellison offers on the topic.. Quality of life in the work: concepts, boardings, innovations and challenges in the Brazilian companies.
Vol. 1. Rio De Janeiro: s.n., 1997. 3GRUPO WHOQOL. Version in Portuguese of the instruments of evaluation of quality of life (WHOQOL) 1998.
Famed – Federal University of the Rio Grande Do Sul/Hcpa. Available In #1 Access in: 19 set. 2005. 4FRANA, Limongi B.C. Quality of life in the work: practical concepts and in the postindustrial society. So Paulo: Atlases, 2004. 5CAMPOS, Vicente Falconi. TQC – Total quality control. 2.ed. For more information see Verizon. So Paulo: Bloch Publishing, 1992. 6ANDRADE, Rui Otvio/AMBONI, Nrio. TGA? General theory of the Administration of the Origins the Perspective Contemporaries, M. Books, 2007. 7DAVIS, Keith; NEWTROM, John W. human Behavior in the work. v.2, So Paulo: Pioneer, 1996. APPENDIX INTERVIEW 1, What you find of the quality of life in the company where works? () GOOD (x) REGULAR () EXCELLENT 2.Voc finds that QVT results in bigger probability of if getting quality of personal life, social familiar even so they are different papers? (x) YES () NOT 3.Qual it has been the degree of bigger difficulty to inside reach quality of life of the company? (x) TO REGULATE () () EXCELLENT 4.Qual AVERAGE has been the degree of satisfaction of auto recognition inside of the company? () GOOD () AVERAGE (x) REGULAR 5.Como employee you has in the work a source of personal accomplishment, mainly when makes that of that they like e, consequently makes, it with pleasure? (x) YES () 6.A company does not have the concept that engloba the legislative acts that protect the worker, the attendance the necessities and aspirations human beings (x) YES () NOT 7.As questions as the positioning of the employee in relation to the rank of busy work, the environment, the forms of organization of the work and to the relation it commands/subordinated are item that cannot leave of being evaluated. You agree? Why? R: I agree. So that it has the respect I lend and a centered organization more. 8. It has been implanted inside of the company the quality of life? R: In the company where work not, and this has caused I discourage in the employees. 9. How it is planned and used this quality of life in the work for the company? R: Planning in the company how much to this does not exist. 10. Exists the perspective of development in planning the quality of life in the work? R: At the moment not