Plan Director
At present the evolution of the technologies increases progressive, which benefits positively to 90% of the companies that work on mechanisms and modern tools of management and operational systems, generating, as well, a constant flow of information that in the majority of the cases are forced, whatever its dimension, to maintain an order, a concrete transparency and a jealous confidentiality of data and personal and deprived documents strict. In the same way, and based on these theories, the cases of flights of lost information and of data increase, consequently the systems of prevention for the organizations include every day but field in the market of the security, with the purpose of to avoid disagreeable situations with their bad clients by and negligent managements in their systems. In udea we are conscious of the importance of the accomplishment of the pertinent analyses, as well as previous studies and other similar managements; it has to avoid, to correct and to modify all these operative failures concerning management of security, because the information is the main assets of the companies. In relation to it we mentioned what is, why serves and the benefits that a Plan Director of Security supposes for a company. One is a determining document for the implantation of a System of Management of the Security of Informacin (SGSI), which facilitates to the company planning and to know the lines of action that is to take in the matter of security. By means of the same specific the situation in which is an organization, and the safety measures who wishes, that there is to reach, its weak points, allowing him to realise an implantation of its planned SGSI. Therefore, the Plan Director of Security gives to clear benefits to the company, guaranteeing an efficient management and a satisfactory operation of the control system of security within the organization and, mainly, is an effective support to avoid later losses and lamentable situations that often are non-recoverable, as well as, avoid an unnecessary cost of penal money, disagreeable obligations and the disappearance of prestige, winning a bad reputation within the world of the businesses. the Plan Director of Security, offers an exclusive endorsement to him in the matter of security udea Security of the Information Department of Marketing and Communication .