PC Microsoft

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In order to make businesses by Internet it is necessary to lead with information, especially with originating information of the consumers of a product or services. It is information that I could only be controlled with a social art that takes much value for the people. With Internet the power of the recommendation is impressive, and so that this is favorable for a company it is necessary satisfaction of its clients. Very few companies have one second opportunity. It is what happens to Apple that I lead the first height of the personal computers, but key behind the viral power of the quality and benefits of the PC Microsoft. Steve Jobs was retired of the company and returned.

Soon we saw the storm that I untie with each launching of iPhone, managing to monopolize an enormous quota of the market of intelligent telephones. Eric Schmidt, executive president of Google, says that the computer science technology of massive consumption now is moving to the movable telephones. If Apple clings to the quota of market that dominates now it could become the greater world-wide company of technology. Apple, after 15 years already I surpass the income of Microsoft. The ascent of the personal computers and seems to have stopped. The present numbers of the quota of market of cellular would change much in just a short time. Here Apple only has the 4,1% of the market, past year had 2,5%.

But with the intelligent telephones history is different. Apple is selling many more intelligent telephones, per trimester, that Research in Motion, the manufacturer of Blackberry. But this the competition of Android de Google, that through licenses of abierto code, hopes to surpass to Apple and to marginalize in the same way that it happened in the PC. Apple bets by the philosophy of a differentiated style of life to attract its users, looks for the fanaticism more than the customer. Now it is taking off in China where Android had advantage. That abriendo stores throughout to be more within reach of the people. Apple has its operating system, hardware, Chips, microprocessor and own stores, which allows him to capture more margin. But Google also it is interested in this market and it could force Apple more be abierto. Apple to arrive at the top and to stay there, Apple would have to solve some highly competitive problems like beating to Nokia with the costs of cellular telephones of the low range. But also it would have to guard by the resurgence of the Mac like platform to be able to advance. And what has of the TV? It only makes a few years the numbers that Apple handles now only serian fantasy, something ridiculous like attainable possibility. But Internet is allowing these profits with the power of the information into the hands of its users.

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