The world, the reality as a whole must be analyzed in all the levels and its complexity, would be very easy and at the same time dangerous for the formation citizen of the pupils to say that the society is good, that it possesss adequate infrastructure to all, being that in the reality the pupils of the schools public do not see this, do not participate of this said ' ' boa' ' society. How to say itself in a structuralized society since it does not have a structure for a school? The society which we live is contradictory and its intention is not to improve the world for the population as a whole, but yes to alienate less the most favored so that these nor the least distrust or perceive the inaqualities that are acentuadissimas in this society, that corrupts the people for the power, for the wild consumerism, a society that few has much and that the majority of the population does not have the least what to eat. The geography professor must desalienar the pupils showing they one analyzes criticizes of the reality taking off the visor that was placed in its head so that these are not rebelled, therefore when the people if manifest many ' ' masks caem' ' , many are those that leave of to be bonzinhos it the least to be questioned. That the geography professor is a critical citizen, that has glimpsed a different society which we also live and to construct. Consideraes Final the social transformation will only be reached in the measure that not only has people with a questionador sense and this, but that they take these questionings for the level of the action, not only teorize but also it practises one another form to see the world, more joust, more solidary, more worried about the needed population. Studious that they aim at a igualitria society and that they practise in its simplicity, but that it starts to practise. The citizen does not advance to have scientific knowing, moreover it must be citizen, a citizen compromised to the social one, the life. A good formation is that one that has taken the people to be criticizes, to reflect on the world where they live, to question the society, in which this inserted one, that it forms yes the professional for the work market but that before this forms to be citizen come back toward the proper transformation of itself, therefore is essential that the people sitam the necessity of the change, therefore a place just starts to be desired from one formation that aims at the man and not them things.
Bibliographical reference: . Ruy Moreira, for where goes the geographic thought? For a epistemologia it criticizes. Publishing company context. 2006. SP Brazil. To teach and to learn geography Nidia Nacib Pontuschka, Tomoko Iyda Paganelli, and Nria Hanglei Bludgeon. Cortez publishing company.
2007. So Paulo. LACOSTE, Ives. Geography, this serves in first place to make the war. geography and you practise of education, lana Cavalcanti goiania alternative publishing company 2002. UMBELNO, Ariovaldo. (org) For where goes the geography education? Publishing company context. So Paulo, 1994. 1 edition.