Then, when the situation became untenable, went to the creditors, who said in a rueful: – Too bad! It was not possible, despite all my efforts. Sorry. And left them hanging with unpaid twice when he had taken over the magazine. Meanwhile, he took all the money he had been able to carry off. The master touch operation, the icing on the cake, so to speak, what was his relationship with the best writers of the time.
Before you continue with your story, Manolo, the nurse interrupted the old man to ask him something that he had not been clear: – Why did the world of radio, with the money he was taking from him? "My son, you should know that even the best mine exhausted its reefs. A good miner has to know when a streak is over and leave with the tools then search for gold elsewhere. This is what happened to me. Translated into more prosaic language, it meant that after years his partner discovered the cake. It was the silliest way.
It turns out that the continued and uninterrupted success in his chicanery Antonio did to be more careless. He dared to broadcast live the first sessions of the Parliament parliamentary democracy after Franco. His modus operandi was the usual: stealing the direct sound of another station as the radio announcer would intervene rival the volume down and talked it. With more grace and more intent than the other, of course. The first suspicion arose because Antonio was not accredited in the Cortes.