Munich Wedding

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“Photo Studio Prism CHROME presents new service at wedding fair dare! in Munich on the most beautiful day in life you should the photos certainly don’t leave nothing to chance, because this day unforgettable with a successful photo documentation,” da wedding photographer Erich Hochmayr is absolutely safe. He presented his Photo Studio Prism CHROME along with the party service Axel Dreher on the 13th / 14th November 2010 at the wedding fair dare ‘ in Munich. Couples who would dare soon find everything around the theme of wedding. Wedding photographer Erich Hochmayr provides couples with the service photos to go’ a special highlight for their celebration. Jinesh stresses so each guest with a personal memory of the bride and groom is an unforgettable gift, home – even in the digital age”.

Prism CHROME used a flexible mobile recording, image editing, and Printstation with 54 inch plasma screen. Already during the party can run all photos on the projector, what provides additional atmosphere. Guests choose their favorite subject and pick up the photo directly on the Printstation. The bride and groom will save so time consuming and costly sending images and are a beautiful reminder each guest with a high-quality photo home. Prism provides full service wedding reports, which cut the cake, wedding Waltz from morning styling of the bride about the arrival of the guests up to the wedding ceremony with subsequent wedding – CHROME, rich party until dawn. All of course with impressions of the day, as well as portraits of the bride and groom. All services are also separately available.

The fair dare ‘ will take place on the 13th and November 14, 2010 from the 10.00 until 18.00 in the event arena in the Olympic Park in Munich. Prism was founded in 1990 by Erich Hochmayr as service provider for the photographic and film industries CHROME. As a trained photographer and cinematographer, he traveled all over the world for many years. Since 2008, the modern Photo Studio for wedding, event, advertising and fashion – located and portrait -, application -, Panorama and industrial photography in Munich/Neuhausen. Contact: Prism CHROME holder: Erich Hochmayr ore Foundry str. 24 80335 Munchen Tel. 089-7253288 Rosemarie Nohbauer

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