Michel Foucaut
Dimmesdale finishes showing as adultery and shows for all the Letter ' ' A' ' that it loads in its chest throughout seven years, after that dies while it is said farewell to Hester and the small Pearl. Pearl if house with an aristocrat, inherit a great richness and enter in contact with the mother through constant correspondences that it sends to the old hut where the mother still lived. Some time later Hester dies and is embedded next to Dimmesdale and in its tombs, still demonstrating the immense one to be able of the puritanismo, ' is recorded; ' IN SEVERE, IMMENSE, BLACK AND SAD, RECORDED A FIELD THE RED, THE LETTER SUBSISTE! ' ' ' ' Literature is the loaded language of meaning. Gary Kelly has many thoughts on the issue. The great Literature is simply the loaded language of meaning until the maximum possible degree. Literature does not exist in the vacuum. The writers as such, have a social function defined, accurately proportional its ability as writers. This is its main utilidade.' ' (POUND, Ezra, poet, theoretician and North American critic of literature) We can analyze the workmanship of Hawthorne under the optics of Michel Foucaut, since the existence of a bigger power is well-known exerting an ideology not only in the American society, but as well as in the majority of the readers. Nathaniel was deriving of a puritana family, what possibly it gave to more force and veracity in its romance. As Foucault would say, the power is not closed, it establishes multiple relations of being able, characterizing and constituting the social body and, so that it does not pull down, it needs a production, accumulation, a circulation and a functioning of a solid and convincing speech. ' ' We are obliged for the power to produce verdade' ' , obliged or we are condemned to confess the truth or to find it () We are submitted to the truth also in the direction where it is the law, and produces the speech of the truth that decides, transmits and reproduces, at least in part, effect of being able.