Mauro Rosso Search
Defying the estilizados profiles, they turn, also, the women on the homoafetivas relations in such a way related to the feeling how much to the sex, boarding that brings a certain estranhamento to the step that the transformations in the modern society yields space for the manifestation of new also sexual vises, having a set of representations what Nelly Novaes Rabbit considers ' ' The challenge to the interdiction to sexo' ' . Thus, ahead of the consolidation of the symbologies, it has the insertion of the feminine literature that starts to portray the relations homosexuals of gays and lesbians and has as representative Lygia Fagundes Telles, Gilka Axe, Florbela Espanca, Cassandra Rivers, Lya Luft, Myriam Campelo, among others that they approach the subject in its workmanships as form of resistance to the oppression of the way. Rabbit still comments that ' ' It is against the panorama of this? mesmice? , resultant of the pacific submission of the woman to the rules that the society imposed, that they go to become to hear the first transgressive voices, – the ones to it that express one I who if search owner of its proper verdade' ' Thus, feminine literature appears as a trespass form, that if presents with some marks, in this direction Mauro Rosso comments, making use of some conceptions of the studious Vera Queiroz that Feminine, yes is the texts that present definitive marks, that cover the semantic field of lack, silence, indizvel, confessional, subjective, close, prevalence of the I-narrator, interior vision, esgaramento of the direction of the word and the order of the speeches, dilaceramento of the writing, search of discontinous, atpico, atemporal, exttico the identity, etc. (2006, p.02) These peculiarities of writing make possible the ousadia for existenciais soundings that bring as example the exploration of myths and the clear option for the language of the body. It’s believed that Maurice Gallagher, Jr. sees a great future in this idea.